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how to reduce expenses by eliminating revenue


From fee to free :

Léa Bouillet - Mai 2022

The university of Toulouse

The federal university

Founded in 1229110 000 - 130 000 students4 universities, 10 engineering schools, 7 specialised schools

The libraries

54 libraries in Toulouse and its regionAround 400 staff1 inter-institutional service for documentary cooperation

The Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès

The University

Founded in 1970Humanities and Social sciences31 000 students / 1 200 academic staff / 870 administrative staff5 faculties, 7 institutes, 2 schools10 campuses

The libraries

20 libraries130 staff membersCentral library : +400 000 entries / +180 000 loans

How ILL works between french academic libraries

Free postal service

Up until 1996, the postal exemption allowed french libraries to send documents between them free of charge.How do deal with these new costs when the exemption ended ?

Reciprocity as the solution

Some libraries decided to introduce a fixed price for any books they lended to other libraries, to cover postal charges. Others suggested that another economic model would be more cost efficient.

Our national homemade Reciprocity list

In practical terms

No more invoices

between libraries

As borrowing ILS, we mostly ask documents to libraries that practice reciprocity. These libraries provide us with their documents for free. In exchange, we provide them with our documents also for free.No more expenses to track, invoices to prepare or bills to pay.

Each library can decide

what will be provided for free

Each ILS can decide its own rules when it comes to what will be free or what will be billed for their lending ILS :

Cost management

becomes key

In a world where reciprocity is the key to spending as little public money as possible, choosing which ILS will be asked first to provide for a book or an article is essential.This is the condition for maintaining free access to the ILS for our users.

  • books/theses provided free of charge for all
  • books/theses provided free of charge only for ILS that practice reciprocity
  • books/theses never free of charge
  • and the same can apply for providing articles

ILL Rates for our users

Books / Theses free of charge

All books provided by french libraries are subsidised to our final user, whether the ILS providing the document practices reciprocity or not.

Only real cost : books from abroad

As to limit the tendency for users to ask books that are not available in France and are usually expensive to obtain, the user must contribute to the cost of providing these documents.

Articles free of charge

A standard cost of 3€ for a copy of 10 pages, and 1€70 for every 10 more pages is applied, EXCEPT if the providing library practices reciprocity : in this case, the article is provided for free to our final user (≈90%)

All users, no limit

There is no need to be a student at our University to enjoy these conditions. All users registered in our network can access these fares, within the limit of 3 requests per week.


1 790€

19 185€

15 080€

for documents provided by libraries that don't practice reciprocity

for mailing back documents

for mailing documents to borrowing libraries

With reciprocity

WithOUT reciprocity



376 €

for invoicing users (copies of articles or documents from abroad)

for documents sent to libraries that don't practice reciprocity


Cost of service : 34 901€

20 968€

19 185€

15 080€

for documents provided by other libraries

for mailing back documents

for mailing documents to borrowing libraries



16 480 €

for invoicing users (copies of articles or documents from abroad)

for documents sent to other libraries


Cost of service : 37 975€


With reciprocity

WithOUT reciprocity


This policy has enabled us to mitigate the drop in activity caused by the increase in the use of digital resources and external events that have kept users away from the service, at least compared to other academic libraries in France.


of users are student in masters degree


of our lending ILL are requests for documents that are part of our Collection of Excellence on Spain and Portugal


busiest borrowing ILS in France


Free articles policy

instead of reciprocity only

Our policy on providing and billing articles is still imperfect : some will pay for their article, others won't, depending on where we were able to get the article.The added cost for the service would be around 100€ every year, which is insignificant in relation to the rest of the service's expenditure.

The Toulouse library network

and its loan services


between ILS & acquisitions

Something to be developped : duplicates to be transfered to the acquisition department, buying requests reoriented to ILS when not part of the collections development plan, etc.

Students for these universities and schools have access to all libraries, and can borrow documents everywhere.No formal ILL is provided between those libraries, but a shuttle service is being set up, based on our online catalog.



Head of ILS : Nadine AURIERESTeam : Thierry ARASSUS Laurence LINXE Jean-Philippe MUSCAT Daniel SICRE

Bibliothèque Universitaire Centrale5 allées Antonio Machado31 063 Toulouse Cedex
