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vaishnavi jaiswal (05414902121)
topic - what do different food itemscontain?
Chapter 2
Components of Food
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vaishnavi jaiswal (05414902121)
topic - what do different food itemscontain?


Chapter 2


Components of Food

Specific objectives

After completion of this topic student will be able to:1. Describe nutrients and list the different types of nutrients.2. able to list the source of Carbohydrates proteins and fats.3. Predict and explain the test of nutrients.4. Able to examine the test of the nutrients carefully.5. Able to identify different types of nutrients in foods items.6. perform the experiments.

they know the importance of healthy food.

they are aware of daily food items which they eat in their day-to-day life.

the students know the term ingredients.

Assumed Previous Knowledge

Types of Deficiency diseases Keywords and Summary

Deficiency diseases

Loss of nutrients

Balanced diet

Dietary fibre and water

Minerals :types and its sources

vitamins: types and its sources

What do various nutrients do for our Body?

Test for protien & its sourcesTest for fats & its sources

Test for starch &carbohydrate sources

What do different food items contain?


  • We know that each dish is usually made up of one or more ingredients, which we get from plants or animals.
  • These ingredients contain some components that are needed by our body. These components are called NUTRIENTS.
  • The major nutrients of our food are named carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Food contains dietary fibers and water which are needed by our body.
  • The test of carbohydrates, protein, and fats is simple to do as compared to the test of other nutrients.

What do different food items contain?

Test for nutrients

  1. Take a small quantity of a food items or raw material.
  2. Put 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution.
  3. OBSERVE if there any change in the colour of the food item.
  4. A blue-black colour indicates that it contains starch.

Test for starch

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod.


+ info

Sources of carbohydrates

  1. Take a small quantity of food item and either make a paste or powder of it.
  2. Put some of it in a test tube, add 10 drops of water and shake the test tube.
  3. Using a dropper add a two drops of copper sulphate solution and 10 drops of caustic soda solution to the test tube.
  4. Shake the tube well and observe the change of colour of the food item.

Test for protein

+ info

Sources of protein

1.Take a small quantity of a food item.2.Wrap it in a piece of paper and Crush it.3.Take care that the paper does not tear.4.Now, straighten the paper and observe it carefully.An oily Patch on paper shows that the food item contains fats.The food items sometimes contains water so let them dry first and then observe if there any oil Patch on the paper.

Test for Fats

how will you confirm whether this is oil patch or water?

Test for fat

  • In the major nutrients in our food are carbohydrates proteins fats vitamins and minerals. In addition food also contains dietary fibres and water.
  • Carbohydrates and fats mainly provide energy to our body.
  • Proteins and Minerals are needed for the growth and maintenance of our body
  • When we put dilute iodine solution a blue-black color indicates that it contains starch
  • When we add two drops of solution of copper sulphate and 10 drops of caustic soda. A violet color indicates presence of protein in the food items
  • Test for fats- after cursing the food item inside the paper if we see oil patches in indicates the presence of oil or fat.


Let's Test Ourselves!

  • Perform test for fats at home and bring the result.
  • create a tabular list of food items and what nutrients they contain. (table 2.2)
  • Read 2.2 - what do various nutrients do for our body.


To Be Continued...Thank you!

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