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5to Bachillerato en Computacion con Orientacion Cientifica
Marjorie Samara Lucero Calderon
Colegio Cristiano Educacional Vida Diversificado
Jacky Orozco
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Colegio Cristiano Educacional Vida DiversificadoInglesJacky Orozco

5to Bachillerato en Computacion con Orientacion CientificaMarjorie Samara Lucero Calderon

I have to cook dinner

I have to wash the dishes

I have to order my room

Rules of my house

I don't have to dirty the house

I can't enter the house with shoes

Rules of the school

I can't eat in class

I have to be at school on time

Must not disrespect the teacher

I have to wear uniform every day

The class doesn't have to interrupt the teacher while teaching
