Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Results of project

The aim of the project was to learn about butterflies and their role in nature. Pupils learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly, admired the beauty of butterflies in pictures, learnt about the most beautiful species and created a BOOK OF BUTTERFLIES. They listened to the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and learned about a proper diet. Together they created a weekly healthy menu. Pupils learnt simple phrases in English and partners' basic language vocabulary, created a spring dictionary in English and all partners' languages. Together they illustrated the story "Four butterflies" by Vera Badalska. They coded, played and created interactive games about butterflies, developed their digital competences. They created ART inspired by butterflies, using different tools, art materials and techniques. They became aware that the smallest change in our habits can cause a big change (for better or worse) in the environment and in the life of butterflies, and about the impact of diet on human health. The partners celebrated Butterfly Day and Europe Day together.

Where are we from?

The Great Book of Butterflies


Book "Healthy Menu"

Ilustrations for the story "Four butterflies"

Write a subtitle

Meadow full of butterflies

ART Gallery

Play and learn



Butterfly ship puzzle

FOOD Category

STEAM Gallery

Created by teachers common collection of materials about butterflies (found on the web).

Oh no!




One more time


Paulina Loryńska
