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Coleg Gwent 
Strategic plan 2022-2026
Key performance indicators
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Coleg Gwent Strategic plan 2022-2026

Key performance indicators

Diversity profile of our board, learners and colleagues reflects the diversity of the communities which we serve.

Our colleague satisfaction scores to be at or above target.

Learners rate their College experience as good or excellent.

Vision and culture

Learner retention at or above target.

Learner attendance at or above target (full time).

All full-time learners will have their literacy and numeracy assessed within the first four weeks and will have an individual improvement plan.

Learner success measures will exceed national comparators (attainment).

All learners who compete a GCSE resit programme will improve by at least one grade.

Our learner performance

Most L3 vocational learners will have employer led work experience as part of their course.

The College will be working with 30 regional employers that have committed to a Coleg Gwent Employer Pledge to support teaching, learning and employability across all Faculties.

Learners and staff rate the College’s digital provision (software, hardware and learning environment as good or excellent).

Most full-time and fractional teaching staff will have completed one or more levels of the Teaching Success Programme.

Learning and growth

The College will work to achieve and maintain the ISO27001.

Overall reduction of 10% in Carbon/ CO2 emissions.

Increase waste recycle (R) rate and reduce waste to energy (E) rate.

Overall reduction of 10% in the volume of waste produced.

No of accidents / year.

Colleague absence rates will be <3%.

Health, safety and sustainability

Operating surplus.

Our current ratio supports our strategic investment aspirations.

Full-time and Part-time funding allocation target achieved.

Our EBITDA will be consistently above 5% of turnover and will generate sufficient financial resource to fund our strategic aspirations.

Financial performance

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