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Maria Assunção
1. The Problem
Use of public transports
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2. Climate Change

Use of public transports

1. The Problem

5. Public transports

“Public Transportation Can Save The World — If We Let It.”

4. Climate Change and transportations

3. Transportation and CO2 emission

7. Solutions...

1. Innovative vehicle technologies, advanced engine management systems and efficient vehicle powertrains; 2. The use of sustainable biofuels; 3. An improved transport infrastructure together with Intelligent Transport Systems;

8. More Solutions

1. Innovative vehicle technologies; 2. The use of sustainable biofuels; 3. An improved transport infrastructure together with Intelligent Transport Systems; 4. Consumer information (campaigns for eco-driving*, use of public transport and modal transport etc.); 5. Legal instruments (such as tax incentives for low carbon products and processes).

9. Public transports reduces carbon footprint

6. Make a difference

Maria Assunção

The Problem Globally, transportation accounts for between 15 and 20 percent of emissions of CO2. Motor vehicles are the leading cause of air pollution, though other modes of travel, such as planes and cruise ships, create greater emissions per voyage per person. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas which contributes mainly to global warming effects and which is associated climate change. https://www.nationalgeographic.org

Transport is one of the sectors targeted where effective public interventions are being called for to reduce CO2 emissions and where adaptation measures are needed to reduce the vulnerability to climatic changes. Currently, the CO2 emissions in the transport sector are about 30% in the case of developed countries and about 23% in the case of the total man-made CO2 emissions worldwide. There is widespread agreement to reduce CO2 emissions from transport by a minimum of 50% at the latest by 2050.

Transport is one of the sectors targeted where effective public interventions are being called for to reduce CO2 emissions and where adaptation measures are needed to reduce the vulnerability to climatic changes. Currently, the CO2 emissions in the transport sector are about 30% in the case of developed countries and about 23% in the case of the total man-made CO2 emissions worldwide. There is widespread agreement to reduce CO2 emissions from transport by a minimum of 50% at the latest by 2050.

1.Innovative vehicle technologies; 2.The use of sustainable biofuels; 3.An improved transport infrastructure together with Intelligent Transport Systems.

4. Consumer information (campaigns for eco-driving*, use of public transport and modal transport etc.); 5. Legal instruments (such as tax incentives for low carbon products and processes, taxation of CO2 intensive products and processes, etc.).

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