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Stories From Cultures

The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is one of the oldest extant works of literature still widely read by modern audiences. As with the Iliad, the poem is divided into 24 books. It follows the Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and his journey home after the Trojan War. After the war itself, which lasted ten years, his journey lasted for ten additional years, during which time he encountered many perils and all his crew mates were killed. In his absence, Odysseus was assumed dead, and his wife Penelope and son Telemachus had to contend with a group of unruly suitors who were competing for Penelope's hand in marriage.

Ancient Greek author and epic poet.


Odysseus returns to Ithaca

The Odyssey was originally composed in Homeric Greek in around the 8th or 7th century BCE and, by the mid-6th century BCE, had become part of the Greek literary canon. In antiquity, Homer's authorship of the poem was not questioned, but contemporary scholarship predominantly assumes that the Iliad and the Odyssey were composed independently, and the stories themselves formed as part of a long oral tradition. Given widespread illiteracy, the poem was performed by an aoidos or rhapsode, and more likely to be heard than read.

A statue of odysseas

Leaving Troy with his companions, Odysseus, the Greek King of Ithaca, after wandering in various places for about 2 years and having lost his men, he finally arrived alone in Ogygia where the bride Calypso kept him against his will for about 8 years. But then, with the help of the goddess Athena, the gods decided his return to Ithaca. So, after leaving Ogygia, he arrived on the island of Phaeacus and with their help he finally returned to his beloved island. But Odysseus' problems did not end here. During the years Odysseus was away ,the nobles of Ithaca and the surrounding islands ,the suitors, claimed the royal throne, his wife Penelope and his house. Will Odysseus and his son Telemachus manage to exterminate the suitors and take their lives back?....Odysseus and Telemachus arrive at the palace….. A lot of men eating, drinking and laughing... Telemachus: This is your house, full of men, eating your food and drinking all day. There Antinous, their leader. He wants the throne more than anything! And Eurymachus, he has a relationship with the maid. He thinks that I don't know that they have a plan to kill me. Eurymachus: Telemachus, welcome back! How was your trip? Antinous: Maybe it wasn't so good to return with a beggar, ha, ha, ha...Come on old man, are you hungry? (He kicks Odysseus and falls down……) Telemachus: STOP! How dare you do this in my own house!

SAdapted screenplay of Homer's Odyssey. Extract of our school's theatrical performance 'Odysseus returns to Ithaca'

Leaving Troy with his companions, Odysseus, the Greek King of Ithaca, after wandering in various places for about 2 years and having lost his men, he finally arrived alone in Ogygia where the bride Calypso kept him against his will for about 8 years. But then, with the help of the goddess Athena, the gods decided his return to Ithaca. So, after leaving Ogygia, he arrived on the island of Phaeacus and with their help he finally returned to his beloved island. But Odysseus' problems did not end here. During the years Odysseus was away ,the nobles of Ithaca and the surrounding islands ,the suitors, claimed the royal throne, his wife Penelope and his house. Will Odysseus and his son Telemachus manage to exterminate the suitors and take their lives back?....Odysseus and Telemachus arrive at the palace….. A lot of men eating, drinking and laughing... Telemachus: This is your house, full of men, eating your food and drinking all day. There Antinous, their leader. He wants the throne more than anything! And Eurymachus, he has a relationship with the maid. He thinks that I don't know that they have a plan to kill me. Eurymachus: Telemachus, welcome back! How was your trip? Antinous: Maybe it wasn't so good to return with a beggar, ha, ha, ha...Come on old man, are you hungry? (He kicks Odysseus and falls down……) Telemachus: STOP! How dare you do this in my own house!

SAdapted screenplay of Homer's Odyssey. Extract of our school's theatrical performance 'Odysseus returns to Ithaca'

Eurymachus: Watch your words boy! Soon your mother will choose and then we will see who 'll be in charge of this house! Penelope and Eumaeus are coming.... Penelope: Enough! Antinous: Queen Penelope, what an honor! We haven't seen you for days! Why are you hiding? Penelope: I don't want to hear another word. I learned about your plans against my son. Antinous: Plans? What plans? You mean his fantasies? Come on Queen! We love your son! What about YOUR plans? How long will you be avoiding choosing one of us? Penelope: Tomorrow, all of you will take part in a competition. The winner will be my husband! Eurymachus: I hope this won't be another trick of your mother! Let's go! Penelope meets Odysseus... Penelope: Hello! Welcome! I'm sorry about this! Odysseus: Thank you for your hospitality my Queen! Penelope: You saw these men, I devised many tricks to delay them all these years. Tomorrow the will compete for me using the bow. No other man can do this except for Odysseus. I just don't want another man. I can't stand this anymore! They told me that you knew my husband!

Odysseus: Odysseus is a great man! Penelope: Is or was? Odysseus: What do you believe? Penelope: I don't know what to believe..Good night! Penelope is leaving... Odysseus: Odysseus is alive and he is back! Penelope: Euriclea, take care of our guest! (Euriclea is going to wash Odysseus' feet……) Euriclea sees a scar while washing his feet.... Euriclea: That scar!! Master!!! Odysseus: Silence!! Do not speak! It's not the time yet! Euriclea: Yes master! (Euriclea is leaving....) Next day....Penelope and the suitors... Penelope: This is Odysseus bow. The man who will manage to shoot an arrow though these axes will win his place. Odysseus: Eumaeus, come with me. Eurymachus to Antinous: I told you ,another trick! It's impossible to do it!! Odysseus: Can I try?Antinous: This is not your business, old man! Telemachus: What are you afraid of?

Penelope: Let him try! Telemachus: Mother, go! Eumaeus: Euriclea, lock the doors! Odysseus manages to shoot the arrow through the axes and then kills Antinous. Odysseus: You dogs! You thought that I would never come back!

Eurymachus: WAIT! Antinous is the one who did all these! Now he is dead! Please show mercy! We ate your food and drank your wine but we will pay you back for all! Odysseus: You wanted to take my place, kill my son and marry my Queen! You wanted to steal the world I built with my own hands! Pay?? YES! You will pay...with your own blood! And he kills all the suitors......

Eumaeus: Euriclea open the doors....Odysseus: Eumaeus bring the maids to clean the room.....Euriclea when the room is ready call Penelope! Euriclia: Queen Penelope!!! Queen Penelope!!Odysseus is back! He killed all the suitors! He is waiting for you! Telemachus: What are you waiting for, mother? Penelope: Euriclea, bring the bed out of my room so we can sleep together under the sunlight. Odysseus: What trick is this Penelope? Who is the man who can move the bed that I've made from an olive tree rooted to the ground? Only a God could move it! Penelope: Odysseus!!!! My love!!! (They hug and kiss each other...) Odysseus: I'm here! I'll never leave you again! From now on we'll be together for the rest of our lives!


SAdapted screenplay of Homer's Odyssey. Extract of our school's theatrical performance 'Odysseus returns to Ithaca'

Andreas.as/Anastasios Salis/1 Epal Drama, Greece


Niobe's twelve children were destroyed in her palace, six daughters, and six sons in the pride of their youth, whom Apollon killed with arrows from his silver bow, being angered with Niobe, and Artemis shaft-showering (iokheaira) killed the daughters; because Niobe likened herself to Leto of the fair-colouring and said Leto had borne only two, she herself had borne many; but the two, though they were only two, destroyed all those others.ine days long they lay in their blood, nor was there anyone to bury them, for the son of Kronos [Zeus] had made stones out of the people; but on the tenth day the Ouranion gods buried them. But she remembered to eat when she was worn out with weeping.

NIOBE - Lost Play

This lost drama described the story of Niobe whose fourteen children were slaughtered by the gods Apollon and Artemis to punish her for boasts which had insulted their mother Leto. According to Weir Smyth: "The place and progress of the action of this famous drama cannot be determined with any certainty. Sources other than the text inform us that Aeschylus gave Niobe fourteen children, a number adopted by Euripides and Aristophanes."

Burak/Burcu Sönmez/Borsa İstanbul VTAHS

If some prolific wife provokes your mother Leto, let her weep for her children, another Niobe of stone. Why should not I make another stone on Sipylos? . . . But if some woman is persecuting you as one did your mother Leto, I will be the avenger of the offended Archeress. . .Artemis: broke in and said to the goddess who saves men from evil - I have suffered just as my mother did: we are both alike in Phrygia Niobe offended Leto the mother of twins, in Phrygia again impious Aura offended me. But Niobe paid for it by passing into a changeling form, that daughter of Tantalos whose children were her sorrow, and she still weeps with stony eyes.

NIOBE - Dionysiaca

The Legend Of Paradise Bursa

Researching : Selvi & Edited by : BüşraEda ACAR - Şehit Emre Karaaslan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School -BURSA/ TÜRKİYE

Seal of Solomon, Heaven of Balkis ''BURSA''

Once upon a time, there was a “Holy Solomon” within each Solomon. He had the light of prophethood on his front, and crown of sovereignty on his head. Allah bestowed him a talismanic seal, hitherto known as “Seal of Solomon.” Thus, he could reign over nature. His throne was neither golden nor ivory; it was a palanquin made by jinn or nymphs. Thus, he wandered all around the world, shared joy and grief of anyone.

Someday, he sat on his throne; he took a vizier on his right and another on his left and took off. Heavens and mountains bent down, the roads melted away. In the blink of an eye, he reached at the summit of Uludağ, the mountain of mountains. There he saw that the mountain had one piedmont of sound, one of colour, one of water and one of light… “Behold what the Lord creates,” he said… He turned to vizier on his right and asked: “Oh my vizier! You travelled and saw a lot. How do you think these places are?” The right vizier answered: “O my Sultan; Allah bestowed all beauties for here, but what’s good of it if there is nobody to see, hear, visit and smell them?” Thereupon, Solomon impressed his seal on these words. Then, he returned to his left vizier and asked: “O my vizier! You travelled a saw a lot. Is there any beauty superior to this all around the world?” “There is, my sultan,” responded the left vizier. “The voice of singing birds is beautiful; nevertheless, human voice that embraces the plateaus of heart is more beautiful. Sparkling water and bright skies are beautiful; none of them however, can talk about moon and appear with the day, as the sublime Sultan.

” Solomon impressed his seal on these words, too, before taking the floor: “Oh my viziers! Man is lacking in these places; first of all, their beauty would not fade away if there were somebody to see and hear it. Secondly, human beauty, which is superior to any other beauty, would thus have joined them. Now, you make a point on these words of mine: Let’s make these plateaus our land, build palaces with mansions, gardens and streams… Let’s set here the throne of most beautiful Balkis and place any rose and nightingale she likes.” Before viziers could say a word, a stone find its tongue and began to groan: “Balkis, Balkis.” Thereupon, Solomon immediately gathered his fairies for a talk, but one nymph understood his intention. Thereupon, she began to speak: “Oh Solomon! Once upon a time, a tribe known as ‘Tribe of Soul’ settled hereabouts, but another tribe, called ‘Tribe of Jinn’, set sight on these lands. They fought for a thousand years; in the end, neither could seize the city. A flood arrived and submerged it. Lakes on piedmonts are actually ponding waters following the flood. That city is now beneath one of these ponds.” Hearing these words, Solomon marked his seal. Viziers also underlined it.

Researching : Selvi & Edited by : BüşraEda ACAR - Şehit Emre Karaaslan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School -BURSA/ TÜRKİYE

Thereupon, nymphs dived into water, discharged all water and revealed the city of souls. Mountain nymphs climbed up the hills and brought marble stones, posts in order to build a palace. They were preoccupied with the mansion, garden and streams, while Solomon sent word to four corners of the world on the wings of birds and called over anyone with hazel eyes. Whoever has hazel eyes came and settled in the city. Sultan Balkis also arrived in her palace and snug down her throne. The city became a true city. Right vizier saw through his right eye: “Thus is the heaven,” he said. The left vizier was a bit hard of hearing. Therefore, he mistook the words as “Bursa is the heaven.” Since then, the name “Bursa” stuck with the city.

The Rooster of Barcelos

This story took place a few kilometres north of Porto, in Barcelos.According to the legend, the inhabitants of Barcelos were very disturbed by a crime whose author had not been discovered.

One day, a traveller walking past the town was suspected of having committed the crime. Although he claimed he was innocent, he was arrested and taken to court.

In court, he was sentenced to death by hanging.

Before the man was executed, he demanded to be taken to the presence of the judge, who was dining with his family. They were having roast chicken. The man, once again, protested his innocence and then pointed at the roast chicken and said: "As surely as I am innocent, that rooster will crow if I am hanged."

And what seemed impossible actually happened. When the man was being hanged, the rooster stood up on the table and crowed.

The judge immediately rushed to the gallows and prevented the man from being hanged. He was released and sent on his way in peace.This legend has passed from generation to generation and has become a symbol of faith, justice and good luck. The image of the rooster has become a symbol of Portugal.

Aesop's Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE. Of diverse origins, the stories associated with his name have descended to modern times through a number of sources and continue to be reinterpreted in different verbal registers and in popular as well as artistic media.

Aesop's Fables

Have you ever heard about Aesop's Fables?

Have you ever heard about Aesop's Fables?

Aesop's Fables, or the Aesopica, is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE. Of diverse origins, the stories associated with his name have descended to modern times through a number of sources and continue to be reinterpreted in different verbal registers and in popular as well as artistic media.


The Lion and the Mouse is one of Aesop's Fables, numbered 150 in the Perry Index. There are also Eastern variants of the story, all of which demonstrate mutual dependence regardless of size or status. In the Renaissance the fable was provided with a sequel condemning social ambition

Konstantinos.kf/1st Epal of Drama/Greece

Once upon a time, deeply in the forest, there was a big strong lion. He was the king of the jungle. The lion liked sleeping under the trees and his snoring was really loud. All the animals were afraid and while he was sleeping, they were singing: The king is asleep! Don’t wake him up! His temper is bad! He will get MAAAAAAD!!!!! One day, a tiny mouse climbed up on his head and started scratching him. The lion woke up. Who’s there????? …he shouted. He grabbed the mouse and he was about to eat it, when the little mouse said : Please mighty king, Spare me! Maybe one day, I will help you, I’ll save you. Hmmmm, you are too small to save me , but I will let you go if you sing and dance for me!!!! …the lion answered. The mouse started singing:Tra lallalallalalal tralallal la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! It was so bad that the lion laughed! OK, OK, that’s enough! You can go. The mouse ran happily back in the forest.

Days later the lion was walking proud in the forest. Suddenly, he got caught in a hunter’s trap. The other animals were looking at him but they couldn’t do anything. Then, the tiny mouse appeared. I ‘ll keep my promise and I‘ll save you mighty king… …he said and he started chewing the net. He made a small hole, but lion was too big to come out. He kept chewing and chewing and finally he made a biiig hole and the lion broke free! All the animals were very happy and the little mouse said: You see mighty king, even the weak and small may be of help to those much mightier than them. The lion answered: You are right!!!! For this reason, I’ll make you king of the jungle for one day. The whole day, all the animals in the jungle were singing and dancing …………………………… ………………………..and they lived happily ever after.






royal road

The stone paved road known as the King's Road, which stretches for a kilometer in the sea towards the Barbaros region, can still be seen today. The King's Road, which is especially walkable when the sea is low, stretches twelve meters off the coast between Barbaros and Tekirdağ.

the legend of the royal road

B.C. It was 350 years. At that time, a very beautiful princess named Klara lived in Tekirdağ, whose name was Rodosto. This story was about the love between Klara, the daughter of the Thracian King, and the handsome prince Orpheus, who lived in Panidos, a neighbor of Tekirdag, in today's Barbaros. Orpheus would descend to the sea shore at every full moon, and play the lyre as the moon's radiance fell into the fluttering waters. The winds would carry the divine tunes pouring from the reeds of Orpheus on the waters and take them to Klara, who excitedly awaited the breeze of the full moon on the shores of Tekirdağ.

One day, Orpheus' father organized a big feast and invited the King of Tekirdag. The two young people met here for the first time. Once Orpheos began to play the lyre in honor of the invitees, and the princess understood that the melodies that captivated her heart came from which dexterous fingers and from which heart full of love. It turns out that Orpheus had sent his love to Klara, whom he had seen only for a moment, to the princess every full moon, by surrendering to the charcoal and the breeze coming from the darkness of the sea. The two young people bonded with each other on that banquet night with great passion. However, the God of War, Ares, who was invited to the same feast and noticed everything, was also in love with Klara. Because Ares's love for the beautiful princess darkened his eyes, he could not bear the rapprochement of the two young people and stood up angrily, leaving the feast by knocking down everything that came his way, making a mess, shaking the walls and uprooting the trees. He moved away from Barbaros and went up to the Ganos Mountain, on which the city rests, next to Diyanizos, the God of Wine.

From time to time, those who witnessed the love of the two young people from the lyre tunes saw their marriage as appropriate. Orpheos' father asked for Klara from the King of Tekirdag. The king said "it will be" but he also stipulated a condition. Orpheos was going to build a stone paved road running parallel to the coast from Barbaros to Tekirdağ and passing under the water an inch. King, who said that he would let the two young people get married when the road was over, stated that otherwise the young people should forget each other. Orpheos accepted the King's condition and started to work. The road paved with huge rocks was finished in a short time and the two lovers reunited. While they were reaching his will, the eyes of the God of War Ares were burning with anger, and his breath was blowing storms that foamed the seas. As a matter of fact, one night, when the full moon was rising, two young people, in a car pulled by white horses, set off towards Tekirdağ, passing the stone road one inch below the sea. When they reached the halfway point, Ares blew his terrible breath and swelled the sea. The waves approaching the shore, getting bigger, pulled the car of Orpheos and Klara into the waters and drowned the two young people. This is one of the narratives of the legend with a sad ending, but there are also those who say that the God of War suffocated in his own anger, and that the lovers lived a happy and long life.



Fifth century BC replica of a "Wounded Amazon" sculpture, sculptor Kresilas, Vatican Museum.


Rana ŞAHİNOĞLU/Student:Mustafa SMEAL

The Amazons of Greek mythology were ferocious warrior women who inhabited the lands around the Black Sea and beyond.Considered to be equal with men by the Greeks, the Amazons were said to be as brave and skilled in battle as men. In Greek art and literature, Amazons are always brave and beautiful; but he was portrayed as armed and dangerous.

Depictions of Amazons attire, riding horses, shooting arrows, waving battle axes, throwing spears, and fighting and dying heroically were produced. Amazons were a popular subject on private pottery as well as statues made for the public. Battle scenes of struggling women adorned the buildings.

Depictions of Amazons attire, riding horses, shooting arrows, waving battle axes, throwing spears, and fighting and dying heroically were produced. Amazons were a popular subject on private pottery as well as statues made for the public. Battle scenes of struggling women adorned the buildings.

Medusa Legend in Basilica Cistern

Medusa Legend in Basilica Cistern

In 456, a delegation from Venice came to Istanbul and stated that they wanted to meet with Fatih Sultan Mehmet, and they talked about a treasure found in the Basilica Cistern. The delegation, who met with Fatih Sultan Mehmet, said that there is a sarcophagus in the Basilica Cistern and that they wanted this sarcophagus with the corpse inside, and they would give a lot in return. However, Fatih Sultan Mehmet does not give the delegation what it wants and turns them away. It is thought that the incoming delegation is not Christian and is a member of a secret paganist sect.

During the reign of Abdülhamit, a delegation is sent to discuss this issue. Upon being so insistent on this issue, Abdülhamit's curiosity increased and he decided to investigate this incident himself. The delegation, which carried out research in the Basilica Cistern, found the sarcophagus mentioned in one of the corridors. The mummy of a strange creature resembling a creature is discovered inside the sarcophagus. The head of the mummy resembles a human, but the rest resembles a giant snake. A scientist was brought from abroad to examine the mummy, and after the scientist's examination, he submitted his report to II. Abdülhamit. “This is a giant snake or dinosaur-like creature that has begun to deteriorate, its upper part resembling a human head, coiled like a snake, possibly from the dinosaur age.” However, it was not known exactly what it was. II. By order of Abdülhamit, the sarcophagus is taken under protection for further research.

The sarcophagus and the mummy inside are wanted to be hidden from the public. Later, the mummy in the sarcophagus weighing tons was taken out and hidden by the order of Abdülhamit. Then the sarcophagus was unearthed and shown to the public. After that, its pictures were taken and it began to be published in the newspaper of the period, "Ressimli Gazeta". The sarcophagus was later placed in the area where the tombs of the queens are located. According to some researchers, the sarcophagus and mummy are still in Istanbul and it is thought to be in the place where Abdulhamid was hiding. According to some, the sarcophagus was smuggled abroad by secret Italian organizations and Masonic Guilds.

But, today, the fate and whereabouts of the sarcophagus and the mummy inside are unknown. All the issues of the newspaper at the time of its publication can now be accessed in the "Taksim and Beyazıt Library". However, the number in which the newspaper only published the news about this event could not be found in an interesting way. The fact that this number could not be found is thought to have been collected by secret societies that are after the sarcophagus, and this carries the case to more mysterious dimensions.

Although it is not known for certain whether the Medusa Incident is a legend, the researches and evidences about Medusa. II. Abdülhamit with his approval. It was recorded in "Black Covered", a diary kept by Abdülhamit. The documents and writings found in "Black Covered" prove that the Medusa Incident is real.

nisan.bal.1.2/selen aras/besiktas anatolian high school/ıstanbul

The Legend of Bursa Grasshopper Sultan

Seniha GÜLER Şehit Emre Karaaslan Vocationaland Tecnical Anatolian High School BURSA Student; öykü.sg

Seniha GÜLER Şehit Emre Karaaslan Vocationaland Tecnical Anatolian High School BURSA Student; öykü.sg

One of the leading districts of Bursa, the grasshopper districts is known for its baths and thermal hotels as it used to be.

The Sultan of Grasshoppers is a poor man. The title of Sultan was later given to him. From morning to night, he would wait outside the door of the bathhouse and beg for charity.

One day in the bath, one of the women loses the earringsAll the baths frantically search for the woman's earrings, The grasshopper tells the woman, "There is a small hole next to the crown where you washed, and it stands by the earrings wrapped in her fallen hair".

After that, everyone asks him questions about the future.

Over time, his reputation spreads so much that he hears sultan Murad. Brought before the sultan He answers the two questions perfectly.

Sultan Murad reaches out his closed hand towards him and "Tell me what I've got." The man who doesn't expect such a question will think for a while.

"You jump one, you jump, you jump, you jump, you jump, grasshopper

Before he finishes his word, the sultan opens his hand and jumps a grasshopper out of his hand. After this incident, he was nicknamed The Sultan of Grasshoppers. At the same time, the Sultan's chief Muneccimi is appointed.


Before he finishes his word, the sultan opens his hand and jumps a grasshopper out of his hand. After this incident, he was nicknamed The Sultan of Grasshoppers. At the same time, the Sultan's chief Muneccimi is appointed.


The Legend Of Yellowgirl

Süleymanpaşa Anatolian Imam Hatip Hıgh School

Semin DubanEsma Akdoğan

The most important legend about the name of Kazdağı is the Legend of Sarıkız. According to the legend, there lived a beautiful and kind-hearted girl named Sarıkız in the Güre Village of Edremit. As a result of the slanders of those who did not love him, his father left Sarıkız to Kaz Mountain with 5-10 geese. The father, who came to see his daughter after a while, asked his daughter for water, and when Sarıkız reached the bay from the top of the mountain and filled her bowl, she realized that her daughter was rewarded with a miracle. Sarıkız, whose secret was understood, died there, and her father, who was very upset with what he had done to his daughter, died on another hill of Kaz Mountain. According to this legend, Kazdağı, Kazdağı, the summit of the mountain, Sarıkız Hill and the place where the girl's father died began to be called Babadağı.

This event is commemorated every year in the village by cooking keskek, rice, chickpeas and drinking sherbet.

The End

Galata Tower or as it was called after it started to be used as a museum, Galata Tower The museum is a tower located in the Beyoğlu district of Istanbul, Turkey. its name, located It takes from Galata district. Today, it is used as an exhibition area and a museum within the Galata Walls. used. It is one of the symbolic structures of both Beyoğlu and Istanbul.

There are many rumors about the Galata Tower. According to a rumor, M.S. between 44-491 As a lighthouse and watchtower by Emperor Zenon; According to another rumor, It was built in the 500s AD for defensive purposes. After the great fire in 1315, reconstruction The tower also took its share from its activities and was almost rebuilt under the name of the Jesus Tower. And to the ban However, the Genoese dug trenches around the walls. The areas where these ditches are today It is referred to as 'Big Hedge Street' and 'Little Hedge Street'.

Galata Tower was built in a masonry rubble stone mesh system. The exterior is stone masonry. The 16-line eulogy in the inscription at the entrance II. Since it was built during the reign of Mahmut It is thought to have been written on behalf of


Galata Tower or as it was called after it started to be used as a museum, Galata Tower The museum is a tower located in the Beyoğlu district of Istanbul, Turkey. its name, located It takes from Galata district. Today, it is used as an exhibition area and a museum within the Galata Walls. used. It is one of the symbolic structures of both Beyoğlu and Istanbul.

There are many rumors about the Galata Tower. According to a rumor, M.S. between 44-491 As a lighthouse and watchtower by Emperor Zenon; According to another rumor, It was built in the 500s AD for defensive purposes. After the great fire in 1315, reconstruction The tower also took its share from its activities and was almost rebuilt under the name of the Jesus Tower. And to the ban However, the Genoese dug trenches around the walls. The areas where these ditches are today It is referred to as 'Big Hedge Street' and 'Little Hedge Street'.

Galata Tower was built in a masonry rubble stone mesh system. The exterior is stone masonry. The 16-line eulogy in the inscription at the entrance II. Since it was built during the reign of Mahmut It is thought to have been written on behalf of

The round arched window above the door was the watchtower of the soldiers. High school It is a nine-storey building after the ground floor. Windows on cylindrical body It is round arched with brick masonry. Development of the last two floors just below the cone roof accentuated by profiled moldings surrounding the cylindrical body. cone under the roof There is a networked viewing balcony with metal ornaments surrounding the floor. If on the ground floor round arches resting on deep niche pillars and brick masonry round arched windows are available


Hezarfen Ahmed, who did experiments and researches on various subjects at home. Taking the example of another Turkish scholar named Çelebi İsmail Cevheri, He had realized the primitive form of his vehicles. History by studying the flight of birds to measure the degree of endurance of his wooden wings, which he prepared before his flight, He carried out experiments in Okmeydanı and one morning the people of Istanbul gathered on the shores. before his eyes, leaving the Galata Tower into space, he moved his wings. He crossed the Bosphorus and landed in the Doğancılar district of Üsküdar. This flight is in Europe It was met with interest, and engravings showing this flight were made in England.

Sibel YILMAZ/ Student: melek.sy


Galata Tower has a legend. According to legend, Galata Tower and Maiden's Tower are connected to each other. He is in love, but the Bosphorus, which is between them, is a way for lovers to meet. hinders. Galata Tower writes its love in letters for years, and the love for the Maiden's Tower He puts his longing into words. Realizing his dream of flying in Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi When he goes here for a tour, Galata Tower whispers his love for Maiden's Tower in his ear and He gives the letters to her. Taking the wind blowing from Istanbul behind him, Hezarfen wrote the letters. It will take you to the Maiden's Tower. Realizing that her love is not platonic, Maiden's Tower burst into flames with joy. flies. These deep feelings that these two lovers have for each other have challenged their centuries. They helped him to read and created the most beautiful view of Istanbul.

Herakles, Roman Hercules, one of the most famous Greco-Roman legendary heroes was the son of Zeus and Alcmene , granddaughter of Perseus. Zeus swore that the next son born of the Perseid house should become ruler of Greece, but—by a trick of Zeus’s jealous wife, Hera—another child, the sickly Eurystheus, was born first and became king. When Herakles grew up, he had to serve Eurystheus and also suffer the vengeful persecution of Hera; his first exploit was the strangling of two serpents that she had sent to kill him in his cradle.

Labour 1: Slaying the Nemean Lion

The Nemean lion was a terrible monster that roamed in the region of Nemea, capturing women as hostages and luring brave men to save them. When someone entered the lion's den and tried to free the woman, she would turn into the lion and eat the warrior alive. When Herakles arrived in a town of the region, he met a boy who asked him to kill the lion. He also told him that if Herakles killed the lion within a month, a lion would be sacrificed to Zeus; otherwise, the boy would sacrifice himself. Herakles eventually found the lion roaming, and shot many arrows against it. Only then did he realise that the lion's skin was impenetrable, and that his arrows would be of no use. So, he decided to follow it to its den. There, he blocked one of the two entrances to the cave and entered through the other. Fumbling in the dark, Herakles managed to find the lion; he stun it with his club and then he strangled it with his bare hands.

Labour 2: Slaying the Lernaean Hydra

The Lernaean Hydra was a fearsome monster that lived in the swamp of the lake Lerna. It had been specifically raised by Hera to kill Heracles. The Hydra had nine heads, one of which was immortal and the rest were mortal. The swamp was covered in a poisonous mist, so upon his arrival, Heracles put a cloth on his mouth and nose. To lure the Hydra out of its lair, the hero shot flaming arrows, achieving his intent. However, when he chopped one of the Hydra's heads, he realised in horror that two new heads would spring back.

A little help from his nephew At that point, the hero felt hopeless, so he asked for the help of his nephew, Iolaus. Iolaus, probably advised by the goddess Athena who favoured the hero, thought of an idea and put it in action; as soon as Heracles would chop one of the monster's heads, Iolaus would cauterise the stump with a firebrand. The plan was successful; no more heads would appear. Hera, angry that her side was losing the battle, sent a huge crab to distract Heracles, which he simply squashed under his foot. When it was time for the immortal head to be cut off, Heracles took a golden sword that Athena gave him, and using the same technique, the two heroes managed to kill the monster.

Stavros.tk/Stathis.tk/Theodora Ketsetsidou/1st Epal of Drama,GREECE

Stavros.tk/Stathis.tk/Theodora Ketsetsidou/1st Epal of Drama,GREECE

Nehir/Tuğba Kaçak



19 May High School

Black Sea Jokes

Black Sea or Laz anecdotes are formed by anecdotes, which are products of Turkish folk literature, about Black Sea people or Laz people. Since these anecdotes have been very often tied to a "Basic" type in recent times, they are also called Fundamental anecdotes. In the Black Sea anecdotes, the characters speak with the Black Sea dialect. Black Sea people's features such as being ready to answer, practical solutions, hardworking, sociable and easy to excel are reflected in the jokes. In addition to Temel and Fadime basic typologies, it includes typologies such as Cemal, Dursun and İdris. Although there are many male characters in the Black Sea jokes, Fadime is the only female joke type with a name in these jokes.

You Are In The Squad Of The MatchTemel and Dursun were playing football in Trabzonspor. While chatting after the match, Temel asked Dursun a question: – Dursun, is there football in the next world? Dursun opened his eyes wide: - I don't know either. Whoever dies first, write a letter and let him know, he said. And a few years later, Dursun died. Worried about the death of his friend Dursun, Temel noticed that he had received a letter in his mailbox while entering the house. The letter came from Dursun and wrote: – Temeeeel!!! I have good and bad news for you. The good thing is, there is football here. The worst thing is that you are in the squad for the match this week...

Basic and Grim Reaper Basic walks around the park one day. While watching the birds and insects around him beautifully, Azrael comes to Temel. Azrael says to Temel; - Brother, your time is up. Let's go. The base is awake or beg to give him 5 more years. - O God, give me 5 years, then come and take my life. says. Azrael says ok and walks away. He basically thinks that the Azrael does not catch him in the air and decides to become a pilot. Then, 5 years later, Azrael comes to our pilot Temel. Azrael says to Temel again; - Brother, your time is up. Let's go.". Hearing this, Temel; He says, "If you kill me now, there are 300 passengers in the back, what will happen to them?" Hearing this, Azrael says; -Son, I'm already dying to bring you all together, now is the time...

Andrej/Veronika Rudzíková/Spojená škola Ružomberok

Legend about Juraj Jánošík

On March 17, 1713, Juraj Jánošík or Juro Jánošík, a Slovak bandit and national legend, was hanged in Liptovský Mikuláš. In Janek Kráľ's original work, he appears as Janošjak, he also has the surname "Jánošák" in the court judgment. He was born on January 25, 1688 in Terchová.According to Slovak folk legends, Juro Jánošík and his retinue lived in the forests between Žilina and Liptovský Mikuláš and raided travelers there. According to Polish foothills, he also looted in Poland. He allegedly divided the stolen part for the poor. He was a Slovak Robin Hood, he also became famous outside Slovakia. He is known in the Czech Republic, the Poles perceive him as their legendary Tatra hero.

Erb of

Andrej/Veronika Rudzíková/ Spoejná škola

Where today stands the Church of St. Ondrej was once a rich rose. The name Ružomberok was derived from this. One day, on the day of his wedding, the prince of Likavy Castle went hunting in the nearby forests. On the way back to the castle, he walked past the aforementioned pink hill. Looking at the pink bushes, he noticed movement in them. Assuming it was a doe, he half-bowed with an arrow and fired toward the undergrowth where the movement was coming from. As he approached the place, he noticed that the movement was not caused by the doe, but by his fiancée. The arrow hit her right in the heart. Earlier, the arrow shot through the rose, which forms the coat of arms of the town of Ruzomberok.

Sart Stream Legend

It is a stream pouring into the Aegean Sea in the Aegean Region.It originates is Bozdağ,flows trough the ruins of Sardes.,which is now within the borders of Manisa and was the capital of the Lydian Kingdom, and empties into the Gediz River. According to the legend, Midas, one of the Phrygian Kings, lost his ability to turn everything into gold by bathing in this tea and touching it.

Midas bathed here

It is a stream pouring into the Aegean Sea in the Aegean Region.It originates is Bozdağ,flows trough the ruins of Sardes.,which is now within the borders of Manisa and was the capital of the Lydian Kingdom, and empties into the Gediz River. According to the legend, Midas, one of the Phrygian Kings, lost his ability to turn everything into gold by bathing in this tea and touching it.

According to the Latin poet Obedius, the god Dionysus rewards the Phrygian king Midas with the ability to turn everything he touches into gold, for helping a drunk person. He begs to be cleansed of this power. God gives an answer to this plea. This answer is that the king went and bathed in the spring of Panktolos Stream.

Midas fulfills the order of the god and gets rid of this trouble caused by the greed for wealth. From that day to this day, Panktolos Stream carries gold particles from Timolos mountain to Sart plain.

The historical city of Sardis was founded here because it contains the gold mine that the Sard Stream breaks and carries from Bozdağlar.

Sudden and local enrichment was observed in the Lydian kingdom established in the area. King Croesus (Karun) treasures belong to this period. The historian Herodotus claims that the source of this wealth is the gold found in the sediments carried by the stream.