Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Incredible! Lucky to have brought my new camera for taking great pictures here. But this place doesn’t look like the way it's shown in the hiking guidebook… Turn left or right…?




Hi there. You look lost. Can I help you?You can call me Fu! Do you see the rope ladder over there? You are not as big as me so I think you can climb down using the ladder. Would you like to give it a try?

No problem! You jump on my back then! Hold me tight! Take a deep breath and have a nice ride.

Great! Hang in there!Take a deep breath. Off we go!

Sure! Big scream!

You did it! Wonderful! After overcoming so many ups and downs of the hill, I reckon you feel tired and stressed out.My friend Xiao is over there chanting. Join him to release your emotions!

Wanna sing with him!

We did it! (huffing and puffing) After overcoming so many ups and downs of the hill, I reckon you feel tired and stressed out too.My friend Xiao is over there chanting. Join him to release your emotions!

Sure! Big scream!

Wanna sing with him!

Thank you, Fu and Xiao! Screaming at the top of my voice is really a good way of venting pent-up feelings!

Thank you, Fu and Xiao! Singing is really a good way of venting pent-up feelings!

Not at all! By the way, just walk along this path and you can leave this hill.Goodbye! Hope to see you again!

Nice to meet you! Thanks so much for your help! See you!

A few moments later… You see a big tiger and a tiny cat.You murmur to yourself:

The cat will be gobbled… (weeping)

Tigers in this hill are friendly. No worries…

Wow… The cat is touching the tiger playfully. And the tiger has a gentle smile on its face too. How lovely! I must capture this scene!

What a day! The view here is so wonderful. I shall spend more time in this place and embrace the beauty of nature.

Designed by Education-Outreach-Communications Team, Art Museum, CUHK

Stunning views during the journey originate fromArtistic Crosscurrents from Guangdong exhibits:In Imitation of Li Cheng’s Autumn Trees by Pan DaweiLandscape by Weng XiuzhiAbout the exhibition

Get to know the tigers you encountered
