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Student ID: 11134888

Student: Ngoc Thao VuAdvisor: Shahzeb Mohmamed

Date: 07 Apr 2021

uber Series G (2018) funding and investors

Coventry University of London

  1. UBER in 2018 and Investors
  2. DCF method in valuating UBER
  3. EBITA based Method
  4. Reference
  5. Thanks


  • New Investors : Coatue Management, TPG, Altimeter Capital, Toyota Motor Corporation
  • Bankers have indicated that the company could be valued at as much as $120 billion.
  • The key value drivers for the company include its total monthly active riders, the number of rides per rider annually, revenue per ride, net revenues and Price/Sales multiple (based on 2019 revenue)
  • VALUATION 76 billion

1. UBER in 2018

2.1. UBER 2018-status

2. DCF method in valuating UBER

There are 6 elements to set story for UBER valuation:

  • Potential Market
  • Market Growth
  • Market Share
  • Revenue Slice & Operating Costs
  • Reinvestment Needs
  • Risk (Cost of capital & Survival risk)

2.2. Setting story for UBER

2. DCF method in valuating UBER

  • Statutory Tax rate: 40% (US)
  • Risk free rate: 2.1%
  • The probability of failingin the next 10 years: 5%

Source: Damodaran (2014)

Other inputs:

2. DCF method in valuating UBER

2.3. FCFF of UBER under DCF Method

Source: Damodaran (2014)

2. DCF method in valuating UBER

Source: Damodaran (2014)

2.3. FCFF of UBER under DCF Method

2. DCF method in valuating UBER

Source: Damodaran (2014)

2.3. FCFF of UBER under DCF Method

2. DCF method in valuating UBER

Source: Damodaran (2014)

2.3. FCFF of UBER under DCF Method

2. DCF method in valuating UBER

From 2018 to 2021, its multiple EBITDA is negative figure (capitalIQ), which has no meaning.

- Compare start-up multiple EBITA to assess company versus the industry.Higher EBITDA multiples are expected in high-growth industries and lower multiples in industries with slow growth. - A positive EBITDA bodes well for company since it is a clear indication that the company is profitable at an operating level; it sells its products/services for more than they cost to produce/provide. In contrast, a negative EBITDA means that the company sells their products for less than what they cost to produce

3. EBITDA Based Method


  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/550635/uber-global-net-revenue/
  • https://venturebeat.com/2014/12/04/uber-raises-an-additional-1-2-billion-to-fund-asia-expansion/
  • https://hbr.org/2014/12/making-sense-of-ubers-40-billion-valuation
  • https://craft.co/uber/funding-rounds
  • https://techcrunch.com/2014/06/06/uber-1-2b/?j=624378&e=anthonylarbalestier%40gmail.com&l=351_HTML&u=1959368&mid=6256233&jb=198
  • https://app.dealroom.co/companies/uber
  • https://www.businessinsider.com/ubers-revenue-2014-11?r=US&IR=T
  • https://aswathdamodaran.blogspot.com/search?q=uber

4. Reference

Thanks for your attention

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