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From slavery to freedom


Special thanks to Kristine Nes and Sandrine Oswald for their inspiring geniallies. Escape game created by N. Hervé,based on Kristine Nes's and Sandrine Oswald's work. Many thanks to Scape for their fabulous extensions (Couise,Lavar,DND,Peuzel,Leurre,Krono,Gicode) The Underground Railroad National Geographic


You can use wordreference if you don't understand a word.


Follow the journey of a slave from Africa to freedom.Be careful and avoid the slave hunters!

Your mission

You can use wordreference if you don't understand a word.


To lead the runaway slaves to freedom, you'll have to look everywhere,solve clues and move things.Good luck!

Pour aider les esclaves en fuite,tu devras regarder partout, résoudre des énigmes et bouger des objets. Bonne chance!

In the first part of your adventure,click on the globe to go back to the map.

Dans la première partie de ton aventure,clique sur le globe si tu veux revenir sur la carte.



Not yet ! Try again later !

It's dark here, use the lamp to find 3 places.

Not yet... Try something else !


You are in Africa. Find and copy how adults were treated.


Most slaves in Africa were captured in wars or in surprise raids on villages. Adults were chained and gagged and infants were sometimes thrown into sacks.

Boarding the ship

The auction

The capture

The Atlantic Slave Trade

The journey


Slaves leaving Africa

Go inside the ship to learn more.


You've already been there, go somewhere else!


You're not ready yet !

Nothing special here

It's locked, find the key !

No, this is not the key we're looking for...



You must open the locked chest first to go to the USA.

Nothing special here

There is nothing interesting in this chest anymore.

The journey from Africa to America lasted about 3 months. From 400 to 600 slaves could be transported on a ship. The slaves were chained all day long. Sometimes they could go on the deck during the day to get some fresh air. At night, they were all gathered inside. They couldn't move. They could only eat twice a day. They ate beans, corn or rice. They drank half a glass of water a day.

Many Black people died during the journey because of disease and lack of food. It is believed about 1/5 of the slaves lost their lives during the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. Great Britain and the United States abolished the transportation of slaves in the 1830s.

There is nothing interesting in this chest anymore.

To go back to the map you need to answer a few questions about the slaves' journey,the Middle Passage.

I am ready to take the quiz.

Oh no, I am not ready, I want to go back and read the letter again!




the middle passage



How long did the journey last?


about 3 weeks

about 3 days

about 3 months

from 400 to 600

How many slaves could be fitted on a ship?


from 200 to 300

from 100 to 200

What did they eat?


Meat,corn or fruit

Corn, fruit or beans

Corn,beansor rice

a glass

How much water were they given every day ?


half a glass

two glasses

About 10%

About 30%

How many slaves died during the crossing?


About 20%

In the 1730s

In the 1930s

When did the UK and the USA abolish the transportation of slaves?


In the 1830s



How many white sailors did you see on the document showing the slave ship on the Captain's desk?





Oh no...You lose 10 seconds.

Try again


You can't sail back to Africa!


You are in America now.

Then click on the green states to try to escape from slavery !

Slaves were sent to the "slave states", in red on the map. Go there first to discover their living conditions in the USA.

Not yet!

Not yet!

Life on a plantation

a plantation house - a driver - a slave - a master - a cotton field - a cabin




Life on a plantation



a cabin

a plantation house

a driver

a slave

a master

a cotton field


A nanny

Hover the mouse cursor over the page to find information!

Some slaves worked at the master's house as servants or nannies.

Every year, slaves usually received two linen shirts, two pairs of trousers, one jacket, one pair of socks, one pair of shoes, an overcoat and a wool hat.

Slaves had no rights, they received no education and they could not assemble without a white person present.

Interested ? Click here


Be careful! You need to do both apps before clicking on "code"!




Slaves had terrible living conditions in the Slave States.It is time now to go North,so click on the states in green to try to escape from slavery.

It is time to go North!

It is time to go North!

Not so fast !

To go North, you must answer these questions :

What type of plantation did you see in the pictures ? It was a plantation.

What was the slave job represented in a picture in the owners' house ? A (5 letters)



you can see the slave carrying a white baby on her back !

Choose between : cotton - tobacco - sugar

A nanny

Some slaves worked at the master's house as servants or nannies.

The journey

You are a slave on a plantation in 1850s Maryland.You work 6 days a week in your master's fields to make him rich.Freedom means a hard and dangerous trek. Do you want to try it?

No,I'll stay here.

Yes,I want to go!



How many dogs can you see?

How much is the reward?

What does the woman have in her bag?

Watch again



  • 5
  • 3
  • oui



  • 5
  • 3
  • oui



Passe-nous de l'autre côté

Limitator couplé à un DND

Bloc FONCTION LIMITATION à placer dans la page.Contient les scripts nécessaires au fonctionnement du LIMITATOR.

Bloc LIMITE duplicable permettant de définir une zone interdite dans la page. (Fait disparaître le groupe auquel il appartient)

Bloc BLOQUE duplicable et à grouper avec un objet. Permet de définir un groupe dont les déplacements sont restreints dans la page.

Bloc FONCTION KEEP IN à placer dans la page. Il permet d'empêcher la sortie hors de la page de tous les objets déplaçables.

Blocs PASSAGE A et PASSAGE B duplicables permettant de créer des pasasges secrets (ou des téléports) de A->B et de B->A. Leur taille détermine leur sensibilité.

Bloc SANS TRANSPARENCE. Sa présence dans la page permet d'empecher le transparence de l'objet déplaçable.

  • 5
  • 3
  • oui



Most slaves chose not to run away because they were to scared but many fought slavery in subtle ways:work slowdowns,sabotage and "sickness".Take a journey on the Underground Railroad by clicking here and choosing Yes.

What is the name of the woman on the left ? If you don't know, find some hints in the picture. Use the lamp.

1. Ha


3. Tub

4 .word for an adult boy



The Underground railroad wasn't a railroad.You didn't need to escape.It was a network of people who used secret . helped to go to safe houses they called .There were many that allowed slaves to travel to escape slavery and find .


routes -real- stations -conductors - tickets - passengers - North - secret -freedom - codes -





Welcome to the Underground Railroad

Welcome to our secret organisation. First learn more about us in this book.

Thousands of slaves fled for the North along the Underground Railroad. It was not a real railroad but a secret network of people, places and routes in the North that led slaves to freedom in large cities, black communities and Canada. Reaching the Underground Railroad was a terrifying and difficult journey. Some runaways traveled on boats, trains or wagons. But most fugitives fled on foot, usually at night, with very little to eat.

The Underground Railroad

Not many people wanted to help runaway slaves because it was very dangerous and severely punished. It became even more risky when the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed. Anyone caught helping a fugitive was subject to a $1000 fine or six months in prison. Because of these dangers, workers on the Underground Railroad were careful to keep their efforts hidden. They even had a system of code words to communicate with each other.





You need to enter a date...

The message looks coded, we have to find the code here.

Nothing interesting on this table except some documents about Harriet "Moses" Tubman.Tubman was a slave in Maryland who escaped in 1849. She decided to go back South to help free over three hundred slaves (family and friends)

Dear Conductor,Go to a station in Edenton,North Carolina, meet the Station Master called Fred to get the tickets for 9 passengers to go to heaven.

Dear Mrs Tubman, I'd like to thank you for helping me two years ago with my wife. I now have a beautiful daughter and one very clever son. I am happy to offer them a free life. Far from the whips of our former masters. Thank you so much Moses.

This key must be useless.

Look Inside

We need 5 numbers to open this chest...

Help ?





What is Harriet's nickname ?




Dear Conductor,Go to a station in Edenton,North Carolina, meet the Station Master called Fred to get the tickets for 9 passengers to go to heaven.

runaway/fugitive slaves

indicated that slaves were travelling on the Railroad

a secret network of people who helped slaves

safe places where slaves could hide

guides who helped the fugitive slaves go North


Canada and the Northern free states



try again



the Underground railroad


Let me think... I need to put back all the pieces of paper to find the code.

If you have decoded your letter, leave this room by the door.

There are some identity papers that are given to slaves.

Nothing interesting on this table except from these word about Harriet :Tubman was a slave in Maryland who escaped in 1849. She subsequently made some nineteen missions to rescue over three hundred slaves (family and friends)

Dear Conductor,Go to a station in Edenton,North Carolina, meet the Station Master called Fred to get the tickets for 9 passengers to go to heaven.

So, where should you go now ?

No... not there.

Going North

Your head says go,your feet say no. Harriet Tubman told you that a lantern on a hitching post means a safe house. But can you really knock on a white family's door and trust them to help you?

No,I'll hide in the woods.

Yes,I'll approach the house.


You hear something. You sprint towards the woods but the terrain is unfamiliar. You hear something again,louder this time. Dogs are snarling, slave catchers are yelling. Tired and scared,you trip over a dead log, and they soon surround you. Your escape is over.Go back to try the other option.

After a long time walking from station to station, you have finally arrived in Edenton, North Carolina... You have to find the correct person now. Be discreet !When you think you've found them, click on the next to them.

Good morning, Are you really asking for my name ? This is a secret !

Good morning, The weather is nice today... My wife told me this morning "Fred you don't need this jacket", she was right...

Good morning, what can I do for you ? Do you need any tickets?

Hello sir, seen any slave ?

You : "Hello Station Master, do you have tickets for me ?" "Hello, nice to meet you, I indeed have tickets for 9 passengers. These passengers can't wait to go to Heaven. Click on the top right-hand corner of the page!

Wrong choice!I am a slave catcher and I'm going to take you back to your owner and get my reward!



You made it to Edenton and then you travelled North and reached Pennsylvania, a free state. It took you courage,luck and incredible energy.A new life awaits you, a life with many challenges.But you'll face them in freedom.

The Promised Land

Welcome to Edenton, North Carolina... You have to find the correct person now. Be discreet !When you think you've found him, click on the next to him.

Good morning, Are you really asking for my name ? This is a secret !

Good morning, The weather is nice today... My wife told me this morning "Fred you don't need this jacket", she was right...

Good morning, do you need anything ?

Hello sir, seen any slave ?

You : "Hello Station Master, do you have tickets for me ?" "Hello Conductor, Nice to meet you, I indeed have tickets for 9 passengers. These passengers can't wait to go to heaven. Follow these tracks : Here !"

“A Cotton Plantation on the Mississippi,” Currier & Ives, 1884.

Kristine NesSandrine OswaldCouiseDNDGicode