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Project made by Margarita Borrego Márquez.

COVID - 19


7. Preventive measures

6. Long-term symptons

5. Medical treatments

4. Risks factors.

3. Symptons

2. Pandemic causes

1. What is Covid-19?

what is the coronavirus?

The coronavirus is an infectuous disesase caused by the new SARS-CoV-2. The World Healt Organisation (WHO) first noticed it in its Wuhan, a chinese city. It's believed that the covid got there earlier, but the first time this organisation took notice was the 31st of December. It's known as a viral pneumonia, because having COVID, can cause you pneumonia.


Cientifics believe that this covid isn´t a human creation at laboratories, but, it was originated by natural process. There are a lot of myths, like the one that it was caused by a person that ate a bat, and the animal was the one passing him the disease, but that soon was revealed false.


Difficulty of breathing


Headache and sore throat.

Lost of smell and taste

Cough and tiredness.


This are the types of people that will most likely contract COVID more gravely.

Risks factors on COVID are still being studied by the science and medical field; but some of them are clear, and those are:- Cardiovascular diseases.- Diabetes- Lung and renal diseases.- Obesity.- Smoking.

risks factors

medical treatments

If the case is not grave, authorities advise on taking a throat pill, using a mask and being in quarantine.However, if the case is grave, you should go to see your doctor, and they will advise you wether you should stay on the hospital, or go home with another type of pills.Apart from this, you can get vaccinated! Even though this won't prevent you from getting the virus, it will make it softer and without many symptons.

It's usual that this syndrom of fatigue ends when the covid has been in our body two weeks, but sometimes it's there longer.

This area can hurt because of the hard breathing and the continuous cough.


Chest and joint pain

Even though this sympton can only be present while having the virus, it can also affect much longer after being free of it.

Completely loss of smell and taste

long-term symptons.

Keep distances.

If w e are too close from each other, it'll be easier for COVID to spread more quickly, so if we keep our distances, the virus will have it harder.

Using hand sanitizer.

By using sanitizer we are preventing the virus from staying in our hands.

Putting on masks

Masks are the perfect way to keep us far from the virus, due to it most likely spreading by talking or touching. That leaves us to the next point.

preventive measures.

made by: margarita borrego márquez

Thank you for watching!