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Our city is situated on the largest river in Poland - the Vistula. There are beautiful places here where you can spend your time. Below we are in the River Port

We spent time together at Marina Puławy.

Behind us, the Vistula River, and above us, the old bridge in Puławy.

The new bridge

The Primary School of Loutraki-Pella, GREECE

At the center of our village there is a fountain that brings water directly from the mountains. We named it "the colourful fountain" for our eTwinning song!

Not far from our school, there is a small river that springs from a gorge. We call this place "Galana Nera" (Blue Waters)

The Maiden's Tower (Turkish: Kız Kulesi), also known as Leander's Tower (Tower of Leandros) since the medieval Byzantine period, is a tower on a small islet at the southern entrance of the Bosphorus strait 200 m (220 yd) from the coast of Üsküdar in Istanbul, Turkey. References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maiden%27s_Tower Maiden's Tower - WikipediaThe Maiden's Tower ( Turkish: Kız Kulesi), also known as Leander's Tower ( Tower of Leandros) since the medieval Byzantine period, is a tower on a...Wikipedia

Students painted Istanbul