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The legend of Red Shrimp Pirate

The story tells that the Pirate Red Shrimp was shipwrecked in the Pacific Ocean and hid his treasure on the crab island. The treasure map has come into your hands. Follow the clues and find it!

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From your position walk one unit North and eight West

Point out every position you visit

The next clue is hidden in the tower. But you need the key to open the door. Find it.

Walk two units north five units east and two units north

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The second clue is in the fountain

There is a drawing that is not the solution of any operation, what is it?

Walk six units east

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The knight will give you the next clue

Twice as many enemy men died during the battle as ours. Altogether three hundred men died. How many of our men perished?

3 N10 W

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To open the lock you need the combination. It starts with four letters and then it has a five digit number. Look at the coordinates of your map. The combination follows the rules: - order the letters so that the first and the last are the same - With the digits, write a number that starts and ends with the same digit, and the digits in the middle form an even number.