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1st kindergarten of Ilioupolis e-twinning 2021-22 Nature is life



Once upon a time I was an egg

The start: an egg

Then when I came out of the egg, I was a very hungry caterpillar. Caterpillars eat leaves and twigs.


Then, after eating a lot, I made a cocoon around my body and in there I transformed into a pupa/chrysalis.


After one to two weeks, I came out of the cocoon as you can see, a beautiful BUTTERFLY.






Process 1

Process 2

Process 4

Process 3

Life cycle of a butterly

Life cycle of a butterly

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Life cycle of a butterfly


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Life cycle of a butterfly

Life cycle of a butterfly


Their favorite food is sweet nectar from plants and flowers. As they go from flower to flower, they are feeding.

What do butterflies eat?

Butterflies don’t have mouths or teeth. Each butterfly has a long extension called a proboscis. This long extension looks like a slender straw that extends from the butterfly’s head. When the butterfly isn’t using it, the proboscis coils up into a ball. When it’s time to eat, the butterfly approaches the food source and uncoils the proboscis. The butterfly then inserts the feeding straw into the flower or other source of nectar. The long feeding straw makes it easy for a butterfly to reach deep inside a flower to draw out the nectar.

How Butterflies Eat

butterfly anatomy

Butterfly’s are prey to a number of predators, which includes birds, spiders, lizards, small mammals and even other insects. These predators are looking for food and they’re looking to catch whatever prey is the easiest or closest to them. Because the butterfly tends to stand out with its brightly colored wings and isn’t particularly fast, they’re often seen as easy prey.flowers.

Butterflies enemies

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We draw butterflies

We read the book

The very hungry caterpillar Eric Carle

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Memory game


butterfly life cycle

Let's play