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Since 1998, there have been $441 million in financial benefits received by producers, which includes $295 million of community development funds.
a bonus, where an extra sum of money is paid to invest in businesses or communities development, for instance education, housing, training and health projects
the premium price
The minimum price 
set at a rate that protects and supports producers (farmers and workers)

Behind the Fairtrade label is one of the largest global movements for change, working with 1.8 million farmers and workers, as well as a global grassroots supporter base of more than 2000 Fair Trade Towns in 28 countries, and countless schools, universities and faith groups.Most farmers and workers involved in Free Trade live in Africa and the Middle East, with more than 1 million workers and farmers in those two regions.  More than 1.66 million farmers and workers benefit from fair trade in about 73 countries.

tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate (cocoa), bananas, wine, honey, flowers and cotton. 
over 4500 products
are certified bFairtrade
The choices people make about what and where they buy impacts the global trade directly, choosing fair trade means connecting different positions from different countries to product sustainable and high quality products. This international trade extend globalization with the increased interdependence of countries and global economy.
why fair trade 
why fair trade 
We, consumers, get higher quality and ethically produced products. Products with a FAIRTRADE mark have met internationally assessed and agreed standards which have been independently certified. Fair trades products are produced sustainably in environmentally-friendly and sustainable techniques. In fact, the environmental footprint of Fairtrade cotton is 5 times lower than conventional cotton.
Fairtrade stands with farmers for fairness and equality, creating change for producers, providing better working environment, having more control over their lives and fairer pay. It is also an elimination on gender, racial and age discrimination, forced labour and child labour. Farmers and workers have a more powerful voice, on how they invest and run their local business, having an equal say in decisions.
Fairtrade is a system of certification that aims to ensure a set of standards are met in the production and supply of a product or ingredient, balancing the fair pay and rights of farmers and workers producing fair trade products. Fair trade supports businesses, connect farmer and workers to their buyers and provide better products.

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Fairtrade is a system of certification that aims to ensure a set of standards are met in the production and supply of a product or ingredient, balancing the fair pay and rights of farmers and workers producing fair trade products. Fair trade supports businesses, connect farmer and workers to their buyers and provide better products.

Fairtrade stands with farmers for fairness and equality, creating change for producers, providing better working environment, having more control over their lives and fairer pay. It is also an elimination on gender, racial and age discrimination, forced labour and child labour. Farmers and workers have a more powerful voice, on how they invest and run their local business, having an equal say in decisions.

We, consumers, get higher quality and ethically produced products. Products with a FAIRTRADE mark have met internationally assessed and agreed standards which have been independently certified. Fair trades products are produced sustainably in environmentally-friendly and sustainable techniques. In fact, the environmental footprint of Fairtrade cotton is 5 times lower than conventional cotton.

why fair trade

why fair trade



The choices people make about what and where they buy impacts the global trade directly, choosing fair trade means connecting different positions from different countries to product sustainable and high quality products. This international trade extend globalization with the increased interdependence of countries and global economy.

are certified by Fairtrade,

over 4500 products

tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate (cocoa), bananas, wine, honey, flowers and cotton.

Behind the Fairtrade label is one of the largest global movements for change, working with 1.8 million farmers and workers, as well as a global grassroots supporter base of more than 2000 Fair Trade Towns in 28 countries, and countless schools, universities and faith groups.Most farmers and workers involved in Free Trade live in Africa and the Middle East, with more than 1 million workers and farmers in those two regions. More than 1.66 million farmers and workers benefit from fair trade in about 73 countries.

set at a rate that protects and supports producers (farmers and workers)

The minimum price

the premium price

a bonus, where an extra sum of money is paid to invest in businesses or communities development, for instance education, housing, training and health projects

Since 1998, there have been $441 million in financial benefits received by producers, which includes $295 million of community development funds.