Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



fıfth mıssıon

I stole another painting of Sonia Delaunay.Let's see if you can find the missing picture

ı'm ready.

i will catch you

To find the missing picture, you have to solve the puzzle.Click on the piece of the missing picture


There are some eyes on the map.Move your beebot on the map. But try to reach the lost picture without going over the eyes


I have a message from Sonia Delaunay!

Scan the Qr code or click on the palette and Start mixing the colors


https://wordwall.net/tr/resource/31458047 Mix the colorsKutuyu aç - Açmak ve içindeki öğeyi ortaya çıkarmak için sırayla her kutuya...Wordwall - Daha iyi dersleri daha hızlı oluşturun

Do you want to listen to the soundtrack of the lost picture of Sonia?Draw circles and semi circles and play the music.

let the music begin


Cut circles and semi-circles of paper and create your own artistic design.


you caught me!

Start again