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Lead pollution


Pollution levels

Process of descontaminatioon

The age of the earth

Dicoverer of lead pollution

Lead features




Lead (Pb) is a quimial element. It's used for a long time. For example, it was an esential material in the ancient Rome to make pipings. in the XX century it was used for paint or fuel.


Lead features

  • It creates alloys with many metals
  • Lead isn't elastic and melts easly
  • it's dense and could be flexible, depending of the temperature
  • with a dark gray color
  • Lead is a heavy metal

Lead features

Discoverer of lead pollution

He was trying to date the age of the earth when in his investigations he discovered that the lead levels in the earth were too high.

Clair Cameron Patterson

The age of the earth

The earth have 4,543 billion years.Patterson isolated lead from fragments of a meteorite that had struck Earth thousands of years ago, and determined the age of the fragments.Patterson began research to determine how much of the lead that had been found in the environment was naturally occurring and how much had been created by people. Snow samples were taken from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets that had fallen hundreds or thousands of years earlier. He found that thousands of years ago, the amount of lead stored in microscopic plant and animal life, or plankton, and in ocean sediments was only one-tenth to one-hundredth of the amount now flowing into the oceans from the continents.

The age of the earth

Descontamination process

Pollution levels

Blood lead (Pb) poisoning is a worldwide heath problem, especially in developing countries. As the largest developing country in the world, China faces severe health challenges, in particular the threat of blood Pb poisoning. In this study, the temporal trend of Chinese children's blood lead levels (BLLs) and blood lead poisoning incidence (BLPI) (percentage of BLL > 100 μg/L) and its influencing factors were investigated.


Lead pollution levels

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