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Trisnowati Tanto - KSF 25 MARCH 2022
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Trisnowati Tanto - KSF 25 MARCH 2022



What is Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)?

(van Dijk, 2015, p. 466).

CDA: “discourse analytical research that primarily studies the way social-power abuse and inequality are enacted, reproduced, legitimated, and resisted by text and talk in the social and political context”

Three Major Approaches in CDA

  • macro-level analysis;
  • meso-level analysis;
  • micro-level analysis

Micro-level Analysis

  • macrostructure,
  • microstructure, and
  • superstructure

Macrostructure Analysis

  • The macrostructure covers the main idea of a discourse and gives the portrayal of what the text is about to the audience.
  • In a news report, the main idea is contained in the lead and the headline of the text.

Microstructure Analysis

  • The microstructure is the actual and direct structures of the discourse that is expressed in the text.
  • It differentiates between meaning and its expression in the surface structures, which are in the forms of words, phrases, clauses, and sentence constructions.

Superstructure Analysis

  • The superstructure analysis deals with the schematic form or categorical structure that organizes the global content of a discourse.

Superstructure Analysis

The schematic categories of a news report:

  • headline;
  • lead;
  • main event;
  • background;
  • verbal reaction;
  • comment

Journal of Language and Literature, Vol. 22 No. 1, April 2022, pp. 29-41

Sample Microstructure Analysis – How Language Uncovers Representation

US Police Department’s Representation in The New York Times Article “George Floyd’s Brother Pleads with Congress: ‘Make it Stop’”: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Linguistics Tools Used

  • rhetorical question
  • lexicalization
  • implication
  • metaphor
  • A rhetorical question is a question form that has an obvious answer and which demands no answer from the audience or the hearer (Djatmika, Nababan & Yulinda, 2018).
  • This question is used so as to make certain points or the ideas of the speaker or writer stand out more.
  • Data:
(para. 3) “I am asking you, is that what a black man’s life is worth? Twenty dollars?” Mr. Floyd asked.


  • The assertion made through the rhetorical question: Obviously a black man’s life is not worth 20 dollars.
  • Background:
1. reflects his elder brother’s case, in which he dies in police custody after being arrested for the counterfeit $20 bill. 2. Floyd’s brother wants to persuade and influence the congressmen to make them think that the consequence given to George’s fault, which is using the counterfeit $20 bill, is unequal to taking his life, especially due to the fact that he is black.
  • The US PD is represented in a negative way.



  • Lexicalization deals with the underlying concepts and beliefs in specific lexical items (van Dijk, 2015)
  • Data:
(para. 19) Representative Jim Sensenbrenner, Republican of Wisconsin and a former chairman of the Judiciary Committee, endorsed the proposal in Democrats’ legislation to create a national registry of police misconduct. He also denounced police unions, accusing them of protecting “bad cops,” and saying they would need to “step up to the plate” in rooting out their own bad actors.


  • Literal meaning:
misconduct (N) -->“unacceptable behavior, especially by a professional person” (Hornby, 2015)
  • Contextual meaning:
“A professional person” in the definition of misconduct refers to the police, which means that the police as the authority have unacceptable or bad behavior.
  • The US PD is represented negatively.
  • A metaphor is a figure of speech which draws an implicit comparison between two unrelated things, without the express use of “like” or “as” (Metekohy & Valentino, 2016).
  • This comparison will create connection so as to make the reader understand something at a deeper level than its literal description.


2. Contextual meaning: the US PD should also have the bravery to immediately start taking the responsibility for revealing their own bad actors.3. The US PD’s representation is negative.

  1. “Step up to the plate” is derived from baseball.
In baseball, this home plate becomes the beginning position where the incoming batter would literally step up to this plate in order to receive the ball from the opposing pitcher. Figuratively, it means “to do what is necessary in order to benefit from an opportunity or deal with a crisis” (Hornby, 2015)

Data 1

2. Meaning: one bad apple can cause other apples in close proximity to begin to rot as well (Farlex Dictionary, 2015). 3. This usually refers to “one bad person who has a bad effect on others in a group” (Hornby, 2015).

  1. (para. 21)
“The sooner we get the bad cops off the force, the sooner there will no longer be any bad apples to spoil the whole barrel.” pic.twitter.com/N4fQy0Pt2e— Sensenbrenner Press (@JimPressOffice) June 10, 2020

Data 2

  • Contextual meaning --> demonstrating the idea that the US PD has someone whose behavior and action impact the entire group of people negatively
  • The US PD is represented in a negative way.



  • Implication deals with specific information being inferred by the recipients as “only a few meanings are expressed ‘on the surface’”, while other meanings remain ‘implicit’ knowledge stored in the mental models (van Dijk, as cited in Rahimi & Riasati, 2011, p. 110).
  • Data 1:
(para. 9) “The nation is demanding that we enact meaningful change,” Mr. Nadler said. He called for Congress to institute a new paradigm for law enforcement that he described as “a guardian — not warrior — model of policing.”


The concept of warriors leads to the perception of the traditional concept of police work (Science Daily, 2019), which is “an occupying force, detached and separated from the community” (Rahr & Rice, 2015).

“warrior” means “a person who fights in a battle or war”;

“guardian” means “a person who protects something” (Hornby, 2015).

“a guardian — not warrior — model of policing”.

Implication: currently the police play the role only as a warrior, namely to conquer, chase, and arrest, which all contribute to the negative connotation. The US PD is portrayed negatively.


The guardian concept  not only carrying out the obligations, but also demonstrating the feeling of empathy to guard and protect the citizens and being more involved in the community as well.

The warrior concept  carrying out the obligation like militarized police: to conquer, chase and arrest, without having any compassionate feeling towards the citizens.


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