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The OBERRED project provides the Open Science community with a set of Open Badges dedicated to the recognition of skills in the managment and sharing of research data (RDM).
These skills are based on a RDM framework which was also produced by the project and is available for the community.
Open Badges
Skills in the managment and sharing of research data
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The OBERRED project provides the Open Science community with a set of Open Badges dedicated to the recognition of skills in the managment and sharing of research data (RDM). These skills are based on a RDM framework which was also produced by the project and is available for the community.

Open Badges

Skills in the managment and sharing of research data

Data life cycle

Skills are organised according to the data life cycle

Data archiving

Data processing and analysis

Publication and discoverability

Data quality assurance

Data formatting and storage

Data description

Data collection and management

Plan and design

8 groups of skills

badge details

8 groups of skills

Plan & Design

22 open badges


BADGE detailS




The overall competence "Plan & Design" includes 6 competences which are identified by 6 badges.

6. Metadata and PID standards ...........

5. Choose a repository .........................

4. Data Management Plan (DMP) ........

3. F.A.I.R data ........................................

1. Data models .....................................

2. Data policies and open data ............

Data collection & management

The overall competence "Data collection & management" includes 2 competences which are identified by 2 badges.

8 groups of skills

22 open badges

badge details

badge details

1. Collect data ......................................

2. Tools for data collection...................

Data description

The overall competence "Data description" includes 1 competence which is identified by 1 badge.

8 groups of skills

22 open badges

badge details

1. Describe data ....................................

badge details

1. Organise data ....................................

badge details

2. Store data ..........................................

badge details

3. Secure data .......................................

Data formatting & storage

The overall competence "Data formatting & storage" includes 3 competences which are identified by 3 badges.

8 groups of skills

22 open badges

badge details

1. Clean & normalise.............................

badge details

2. Assess data quality............................

Data quality assurance

The overall competence "Data quality assurance" includes 2 competences which are identified by 2 badges.

8 groups of skills

22 open badges

badge details

4. Visualise data.....................................

badge details

3. Data reproducibility..........................

badge details

2. Analyse data .....................................

badge details

1. Integrate data ...................................

Data processing & analysis

The overall competence "Data processing and analysis" includes 4 competences which are identified by 4 badges.

8 groups of skills

22 open badges

badge details

1. Archive data......................................

Data archiving

The overall competence "Data archiving" includes 1 competence which is identified by 1 badge.

8 groups of skills

22 open badges

badge details

1. Publish data ......................................

badge details

2. Disseminate data ..............................

badge details

3. Data discoverability ..........................

Publication & discoverability

The overall competence "Publication and discoverability" includes 3 competences which are identified by 3 badges.

8 groups of skills

22 open badges

Data description

22 open badges

Data collection and management

Data archiving

Data formatting and storage

Data processing and analysis

Publication and discoverability

Data quality assurance

Plan and design

8 groups of skills

Plan and design

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I can identify the different data types, formats, models and standards.This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Plan & Design" which in total consists of 6 badges. This badge is number 1/6.

(Plan & Design 1/6)

Data models

8 groups of skills

Plan and design

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I am familiar with national and international research data policies. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Plan & Design" which in total consists of 6 badges. This badge is number 2/6.

(Plan & Design 2/6)

Data policies and open data

8 groups of skills

Plan and design

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to EOSC framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge attests that I know "the FAIR principles for outputs". This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Plan & Design" which in total consists of 6 badges. This badge is number 3/6.

(Plan & Design 3/6)

F.A.I.R data

8 groups of skills

Plan and design

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to EOSC framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to edit, structure and design the data management plan. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Plan & Design" which in total consists of 6 badges. This badge is number 4/6.

(Plan & Design 4/6)

Data Management Plan (DMP)

8 groups of skills

Plan and design

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to EOSC framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to choose repositories for FAIR sharing. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Plan & Design" which in total consists of 6 badges. This badge is number 5/6.

(Plan & Design 5/6)

Choose a repository

8 groups of skills

Plan and design

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to EOSC framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed for metadata and PID standards. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Plan & Design" which in total consists of 6 badges. This badge is number 6/6.

(Plan & Design 6/6)

Metadata and PID standards

Data collection and management

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

8 groups of skills

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to collect data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data collection & management" which in total consists of 2 badges. This badge is number 1/2.

22 open badges

(Data collection and management 1/2)

Collect data

Data collection and management

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

8 groups of skills

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to manage tools for data collection. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data collection and management" which in total consists of 2 badges. This badge is number 2/2.

22 open badges

(Data collection and management 2/2)

Tools for data collection

Data description

Get the badge


8 groups of skills

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to describe data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data Description" which in total consists of 1 badge.

22 open badges

(Data description 1/1)

Describe data

8 groups of skills

Data formatting and storage

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to EOSC framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to organise data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data formatting and storage" which in total consists of 3 badges. This badge is number 1/3.

(Data formatting and storage 1/3)

Organise data

8 groups of skills

Data formatting and storage

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to store data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data formatting and storage" which in total consists of 3 badges. This badge is number 2/3.

(Data formatting and storage 2/3)

Store data

8 groups of skills

Data formatting and storage

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to secure my data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data formatting & storage" which in total consists of 3 badges. This badge is number 3/3.

(Data formatting and storage 3/3)

Secure data

8 groups of skills

Data quality assurance

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to clean and normalise data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data quality assurance" which in total consists of 2 badges. This badge is number 1/2.

(Data quality assurance 1/2)

Clean and normalise data

8 groups of skills

Data quality assurance

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to assess data quality. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data quality assurance" which in total consists of 2 badges. This badge is number 2/2.

(Data quality assurance 2/2)

Assess data quality

8 groups of skills

Data processing and analysis

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to EOSC framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to integrate data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data processing and analysis" which in total consists of 4 badges. This badge is number 1/4.

(Data processing and analysis 1/4)

Integrate data

8 groups of skills

Data processing and analysis

22 open badges

Get the badge


Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to analyse data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data processing and analysis" which in total consists of 4 badges. This badge is number 2/4.

(Data processing and analysis 2/4)

Analyse data

8 groups of skills

Data processing and analysis

22 open badges

Get the badge


Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed for data reproducibility. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data processing and analysis" which in total consists of 4 badges. This badge is number 3/4.

(Data processing and analysis 3/4)

Data reproducibility

8 groups of skills

Data processing and analysis

22 open badges

Get the badge


Link to ESCO framework

Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to visualise data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data processing and analysis" which in total consists of 4 badges. This badge is number 4/4.

(Data processing and analysis 4/4)

Visualise data

8 groups of skills

Data archiving

22 open badges

Get the badge


Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed for data archiving. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Data archiving" which in total consists of 1 badge.

(Data archiving 1/1)

Archive data

8 groups of skills

Link to EOSC framework

Publication and discoverability

22 open badges

Get the badge


Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to publish data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Publica-tion and discoverability" which in total consists of 3 badges. This badge is number 1/3.

(Publication and discoverability 1/3)

Publish data

8 groups of skills

Link to EOSC framework

Publication and discoverability

22 open badges

Get the badge


Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed to disseminate data. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Publica-tion and discoverability" which in total consists of 3 badges. This badge is number 2/3.

(Publication and discoverability 2/3)

Disseminate data

8 groups of skills

Link to ESCO framework

Publication and discoverability

22 open badges

Get the badge


Award criteria

Detailed target competences

General competences targeted

This badge certifies that I master the general skills needed for data discoverability. This skill is acquired as part of the overall competence "Publica-tion and discoverability" which in total consists of 3 badges. This badge is number 3/3.

(Publication and discoverability 3/3)

Data discoverability

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