Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Are you taking care of yourself and others?


team 2

activity race




  • Play with a group of people or in teams.
  • The objective is to reach the central square in first position.
  • Choose the animal from the tiles that will represent you throughout the game.
  • Click on the die to know how many squares you have to advance, always following the path of the color that corresponds to you.
  • Be careful with the tick boxes! They contain challenges that you must overcome in order to continue advancing
  • If you fail the challenge, you go back 3 squares.





take care of yourself




Congrats! Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore.

Roll a Die

Restart game

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Give an example for one sport or activity for each season

Hold the breath as long as you can

Ask your teammate who's a foreigner to tell you something in their language and repeat it

Give one of the teammates a challange that includes an exercise

Check on every player. How are they today?

Tell a one tonguetwister ion your language

Do one push up and then jump. Repeat 5 times

Name a book you have read last month. If you didn't read one, do 10 squats (school books doesn't count)

Ask your teammate who's foreigner to tell you something in their language and guess what was it

List your 5 favorite fruits

List everything you ate yesterday

List 3 healthy, traditional dishes from your country

Do 3 yoga poses

List 3 best ways to relax

List 5 habits to have a better lifestyle

Dance to a song for 30 seconds

Tell the others your 3 ways to deal with stress

List all of your interests

Do 15 high jacks if you don't drink 2 liters of water every day

List at least 5 things that makes you feel better

List your 3 favorite exercises

List your 5 favorite vegetables

quote your favorite sentence from book/show/movie etc.

Walk as fast as you can around the table 4 times

Do 15 jumping jacks and turn around for each one

Tell every player one thing you like about them

Tell the title of your favorite book, series and film that you learned something from