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taking it beyond

TEAM work

Skillful Thinking



Types of thinking

on boarding



Let's see how quick you can make decisions

YOUR decisions are key


Breaking News!!!

The board of education (MEN) has released a new decree where ESL will be mandatory in all school grades with a minumum of 6 hours per week, thus extending school hours in order to achieve the goal set for 2025.


onboarding to tbl

What is TBL?



Thinking Skills Components

Learners need to develop and implement key thinking skills


Thinking processes


Let's analyze

Look at the following document and analyze it with your group in BORs.

What are habits of mind?

Thinking like a thinker

What is Metacognition?

Changing mind sets and going the extra mile for our students will in turn make the learning process much more meaningful in the short, medium and long term.

Read more


This stage is the immersion. Allow ss to feel temporarily overwhelmed. This will follow by anticipation, curiosity and a determination to discover meaning oneself.

Initiation and acquisition


This stage creates curiosity or excitement. *Elicit the possible value and relevance of the topic in ss' life. *Create complex interdisciplinary sessions. * provide a hook or surprise for novelty


This stage provides the brain with an overview of the new learning. * Have ss set their goals.*Discover ss' interests and background. * Plan activities for ss to move around.

This emphasizes review time. *Time for unguided reflection.* Ss talk to their partners to discuss topic. *ss can discuss new learing with family and friends.

Verification and confidence check

Here ss confirm their learning for themselves.*Have ss present their learning to others.*Ss interview and assess others. *Have ss demonstrate learning with a project or role play.

Incubation and memory encoding


This is the processing stage. *Have ss design an evaluation procedure. Create individual and/or group mind maps reflecting new material.*Hold a debate, essay contest, panel.*Have ss do the teaching.

celebration and integration

At this point, it is critical to engage emotions. Make it fun, light and joyful. *Provide sharing time*Invite another class to view the projects* incorporate new learning in future lessons. Never introduce something and then drop it.


Let´s FInd a solution

Many experts believe that 20 years from now, most teaching jobs will dissappear due to technology. So, many people will be unemployed. *Do you think this is a problem? If not why?* If so, what kind of problem is this? whose problem is it? Who will be affected?Let's propose a solution using our thinking hats!

What does BEM stand for in a lesson?




How do we know when we really know something as opposed to when we just think we know something?

Let's analyze the following

Can thinking be taught?