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how will this end?

will people be left?
new varient under microscope
is covid like black death?
Tanmeyi & liza
will  things go back to normal? will kids not have onlne school again? will we be able to go to shops without wearing masks?
how many more people will die of covid? 
a conspiracy theory says that black death is the same disease as covid. Covid  just is a little less dangerous then black death
will covid stop spreading so fast?
a source reports that covid has a new varient that maybe more or less deadly. will more people die? will the vaccine work? will it ever end or keep going?
5.69 million deaths and 437 million cases
Black death vs Covid 19
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how will this end?will people be left?

new varient under microscope

is covid like black death?

Tanmeyi & liza

will things go back to normal? will kids not have onlne school again? will we be able to go to shops without wearing masks?

how many more people will die of covid?

a conspiracy theory says that black death is the same disease as covid. Covid just is a little less dangerous then black death

will covid stop spreading so fast?


a source reports that covid has a new varient that maybe more or less deadly. will more people die? will the vaccine work? will it ever end or keep going?

5.69 million deaths and 437 million cases

Black death vs Covid 19


Effect ( Black death + Covid -19


Causes (Black Death + COVID-19)

Basic info (Black Death + COVID-19)




Public Responces (Black Death + COVID-19)

Cures (Black Death + COVID-19)

Preventions (Black Death + COVID-19)











We are going to be comparing 2 major pandemics , Black Death and COVID-19.At the end we will provide our opinions and our view of the 2 pandemics.


What is it?It is a pandemic.When was it?2019 - present.How does it spread?It spreads through close contact with people.Who does it affect?It mostly affects middle aged and older adults.Where is it?All across the world.Why did it happen?Nobody knows for sure.

What was it?It was a pandemic.When was it?1346 – 1352.How did it spread?It spread through contact with animals and people.Who did it affect?It affected people of all ages, although more men than woman.Where was it?Throughout Europe and Asia.Why did it happen?It is believed to have been the result of plague.


Black Death

  • it remains unclear exactly how the virus first spread to humans.
  • Coughing and sneezing without covering your mouth was one of the reasons why it spread out
  • contact with sick people



  • The exact cause for the Black Death is unclear, however some people believe that it was carried by rats and other types of rodents
  • It is also thought that the black death was spread by trading ships coming from different places.


Black Death

  • (no proof that these work, but these were commonly done back then)
  • keep air clean
  • avoid black death victims
  • praying
  • whipping themself
  • sick people
  • crowded places
  • wear a mask
  • wash your hands properly and often
  • keep a safe distance
  • Vacination
  • Touching your face
  • contact with people who are sick

Preventions (Black Death)

Preventions (COVID-19)

  • Some people tried popping their buboes (Didnt work)
  • Bleeding and purging (Also didnt work)
  • Flagellents whipped themselves (didn't really work either)

Cures - Black Death

Cures - COVID

  • going to doctor for medincines
  • resting at home
  • stay healthy & clean
  • lockdown
  • quarantine
  • wearing mask outside
  • limiting amount of people in shops
  • disinfecting hands a lot


  • the king ordered people to clean the cities
  • avoided sick people
  • stayed home (quarantine)
  • people strated praying A LOT!

Black Death

  • everyone's more hygienic, cleaner places
  • rules that can also be good to prevent other diseases and illnesses
  • Experience --> people got better at using computers, working at home
  • Working together to stop Covid


  • People became obsessed with Death and the afterlife <-- new attitude
  • prices went down
  • wages went up
  • new opportunities (Chance for new land)
  • Freedom (Many peasants were free)



Black death
  • Avoiding close contact with others
  • lots of people dying (friends, family members)
  • Quarantine (self isolation)
  • spreads fast and easily between people
  • staying away from affected people


  • During black death it was less hygienic than nowadays
  • People are more educated now than before
  • government tried to stop crowding in places and suggested people to stay home
  • During Black death people were more religious and believed that the disease was a punishment from god


In conclusion, there were some major differences between both epidemics (mostly because of the time between them), and many similarities as well. However both of them decreased the worlds population by a lot and changed people's lives in many ways.


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