Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


The presentation was made by Sanja Grbeš, professor of biology and chemistryDate: 8.6. 2022.

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Microorganisms are found everywhere in nature: in soil, water, air, plants, in the bodies of humans and animals, and on the surface of their bodies.Organisms invisible to the eye existed on Earth before us and animals, and from the beginning they have been an indispensable part of the community in which all living beings survive.Immediately after the birth of a certain species, various microorganisms permanently inhabit the skin and body of humans and animals, and enter the body from the environment in which they are numerous.Relationships are established between microorganisms and organisms in which one member is directly or indirectly dependent on another.According to the predictions of some scientists, if certain microorganisms became extinct, the entire plant world would disappear in thirty years, and then the animal world.

Microorganisms all around us

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

The existence of microorganisms was first reported by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723).In 1674, looking at a drop of water through a lens system (microscope) Leeuwenhoek received a large enough magnification to observe microorganisms.Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910) are considered to be one of the founders of scientific and experimental microbiology, because in laboratory work they began to use procedures for coloring and growing various microorganisms on nutrient media.The 19th and 20th centuries represent an important age for the development of microbiology.

Observation of microorganisms

(Greek. mikros - little, ; bios - life; logos - word, science)

  • The science of microorganisms or microbes, tiny creatures mostly visible under a microscope.
  • Depending on the type of microorganism, microbiology is divided into:
-bacteriology (bacteria) -virology (viruses) -mycology (fungi of microscopic size) -protozology (protozoa)

What is microbiology?

TTuberculosis - a contagious bacterial disease

Microorganisms are also used in the production of yogurt, sour milk, bread and alcohol.

Most microorganisms like, bacteria are necessary to sustain life on Earth.Many microorganisms are important decomposers of organic matter, but also its producers.They participate in the circulation of various elements in nature (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur ...). Many organisms, including humans, are symbiotically associated with various microorganisms (physiological (normal) flora), whose action benefits the organism.Harmful microorganisms - pathogenic microorganisms are the cause of various infectious diseases.

Microorganisms - friends and enemies

BACTERIOLOGY studies bacteria

Bacteria are very tiny, microscopically visible creatures.They can differ from each other in shape.The bacterial cell is prokaryotic (they do not have a "real" nucleus).Their hereditary material (nucleoid) is found in the cytoplasm.


VIROLOGY deals with the study of viruses

Intracellular "parasites" that cannot multiply outside the host cell.We do not consider them to be the physiological (normal) flora of multicellular organisms.The action of the virus in the cells is in most cases harmful (they can cause infections of all organs and systems).The structures are simple: the central part containing the nucleic acid and the protein envelope of the capsid (the central part and the capsule - the NUCLEOCAPSIDE).


Objectives: To encourage a cooperative relationship between students, students and mentors, students and parents. Development of interest in the STEM field and research work. Education on certain digital tools. Importance of evaluating information in the media space.

Student works

The digital tools we used

1. I´m a puzzle!!!Creating digital puzzles.

2. Flipsnack - digital picture book

Digital tool: Pictochart

Own self-education about the mentioned tool, for the purpose of better education of students.


Student Valentina Sesar held an education on making INFOGRAPHICS in the pictochart tool for other interested students.

A student in the role of a teacher

Infographics we made for our school

Getting to know / repeating the material.

Modeling of bacteria and viruses

Research papers

Harmful microorganisms can negatively affect the health of living beings, causing numerous infections, and can often cause uncontrolled spread, causing a pandemic. We are witnessing how one separate group (viruses), visible only by electron microscope, completely changed the world during 2020. It is a corona virus.

Observe in nature

In order to reduce the spread of infectious diseases and the possibility of infection, it is necessary to take care of personal hygiene. Various viruses, fungi and bacteria are found in our environment, many benefit us, but also many of them can cause infectious diseases. With our poor hygiene like not washing our hands we can help spread them. Hand hygiene is very important. How do we know if our hands are really clean? Which means to choose?

Remember what you already know about the observed phenomenon

Which agent is most effective in the fight against various microorganisms?


Half of the students thought that disinfectant would be more successful in removing various microorganisms. The other half thought that antibacterial soap would be more successful.


Plan and conduct research

  • Agar is an extract obtained from certain types of red algae (from the genera Gelidium and Gracilaria).
  • It is used to make a gel that serves as a nutrient base for microbial cultures, but also in the food industry, medicine and cosmetics.

Preparation of nutrient medium

After testing

Before testing

Results of research papers

Disinfectant gel

Ordinary liquid soap

Antibacterial soap

Means used in testing

The most effective agent is antibacterial soap. Around the filter paper with antibacterial soap there were the least colonies of bacteria, compared to other means.


Antibacterial soap

Disinfectant gel


Source of bacteria - raw meat

What if I don't have agar?

Bread as a nutrient medium

A disinfectant was used to clean the hands

Bread touched by hands washed with ordinary soap

Bread touched with dirty hands

Bread touched by hands washed with antibacterial soap

The results of research work in which the nutrient medium for the cultivation of microorganisms is bread

Research work adapted to students with learning difficulties

24. - 27.3 in Prague350 primary and secondary school teachers from all over Europe presented their most creative STEM ideas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) at stands, in workshops and performances.

Science on stage festival (SONS)


Soap making workshop at school

Palm oil - 350 mlOlive oil - 500 mlNaOH ( sodium hydroxide) - 89,5 gWater - 231 mlEssential lavander oil - 10 mlPurple dyeBASIC SOAP RECIPE

Lavander soap recipe

Outdoor workshops on family farms. We get many ingredients from family farms.

Cooperation with the local community

Lip balm with propolis

Propolis is a natural antibiotic. It is excellent in the fight against bacteria and viruses , various forms of fungi and parasites.Certain bees collect it and use it to build their dwellings.

Ingredients:- 35 g - Vaseline- 5 g - lanolin or beeswax- 10 ml - paraffin oil (you can use almond, coconut, olive or jojoba oil)- A few drops of propolisProcedure:1. Weigh the listed ingredients.2. Heat lanolin and paraffin oil in a water bath until the mixture is even, then add Vaseline.3. Then add a few drops of propolis.4. Mix everything, store in prepared bowls and leave to cool for 10 minutes.

Hand sanitizer

1. Mix the water and alcohol you previously measured.2. Add essential oil and glycerin to the water and alcohol mixture.3. Add essential oil and glycerin to the water and alcohol mixture.


- 350 ml distilled water- 150 ml ethyl alcohol- 10 - 15 drops of essential oil- Glycerine


Thank you for attention!!!