Analysis Guide
Philipp Leube
Created on February 23, 2022
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How to: Analysis
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Written Guide
Write an Analysis
You will receive a newspaper article about Brexit that you will need to write an analysis on. Analysis is one of the most important pieces of writing that you will have to produce during the abitur.
Step 5
Step 4
Step 3
Step 2
Step 1
You can now start to write your analysis.
Look for other devices and how they underscore the effects of a) or b)
Choose a) or b)a) how the author uses imagery to get across his point b) how does the author use irony?
Consider the headline and the content and identify the article's message.
Identify what kind of article in what kind of newspaper this is.
The timeline shows you the steps that can help you analyse the newspaper article.
Written Guide
This guide can help you in planning your analysis. For this task, I'll focus on grading your main paragraph as well as on your thesis statement.
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Quotes from the text work like this: You can see the author's opinion in the metaphors and similes he uses: "an ocean of knobheads"(l. 7), or "going through with Brexit is like driving towards a cliff and removing the breaks" (ll. 8-9). He thinks that most of the people on the leave side are not intelligent enough to see the consequences. The simile, in its extremes, has an hyperbolic and ironic effect on the reader. Every intelligent person would not drive off a cliff or remove the breaks.
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