- Analyze their learning and scholarly work while conducting a research process in the light of scientific and professional knowledge.
- Develop critical thinking with a reflective and ethical approach when conducting research in higher education.
- Develop and mobilize information literacy and digital fluency to aid the research process in college teaching.
- Integrate collaboration and communication strategies into the research process.
- Mobilize advanced pedagogical knowledge to apply it to a research process in higher education.
- Examine complex and varied problems by conducting a research project at the college level.
- Analyze a complex educational situation (problem, issue or question) through a research process.
- Gather a body of academic writing by rigorously applying analytical, critical and synthetic thinking.
The research practitioner, confronted with an educational issue, examines their practice based on scientific literature on pedagogy.
For the complete course description,
refer to our website.

Research Practioner
- Analyze their pedagogical practices in order to continuously develop their professional skills.
- Develop critical thinking skills concerning their pedagogical practice.
- Act as an agent of change and improvement in college teaching through the integration of a reflective practice.
- Develop advanced skills related to the pedagogical use of digital technology and adapt them to various college settings.
- Analyze the issues related to the use of digital technology and the evolution of technology in higher education.
- Create search strategies for selecting and using digital information in various college settings.
- Analyze the components of college teaching using the theoretical frameworks and models of higher education pedagogy and content knowledge.
- Integrate key concepts of pedagogy in higher education into the teaching practice.
- Organize the development of teaching, learning and assessment strategies and materials by analyzing complex learning situations.
- Integrate pedagogical and content knowledge for complex teaching and learning situations at the college level.
The reflective practitioner adapts their teaching based on educational literature and further reflections during the teaching process and further reflections after the process.
Reflective Practitioner
Professional Development
Professional Practice
- Analyze the need for updating pedagogical and content knowledge.
- Implement a reflective teaching and learning practice.
- Develop basic skills related to the pedagogical use of digital technology and apply them in a college classroom
- Identify the issues related to the use of digital technology and the evolution of technology in higher education.
- Develop search strategies for selecting and using digital information in the college setting.
- Analyze elements of the professional context including issues related to learning a specific discipline at the college level.
- Select and apply key concepts of higher education pedagogy to the college classroom.
- Plan teaching, learning and assessment strategies for the college classroom.
- Develop activities and materials related to teaching and learning at the college level.
- Integrate pedagogical and content knowledge in the planning and design of activities and materials for a teaching activity or course.
The effective practitioner grounded in their disciplinary expertise uses their experience in their pedagogical practice.
Self-assess and engage one's practice in a perspective of continuous professional development
Harness the potential of digital tools and information in a college setting
Adapt pedagogical practices suitable for students in a college setting
Program Competencies
Implement teaching and learning strategies in a college setting
Effective Practitioner
Exit Profiles
Graduate Certificate (GCCT), Graduate Diploma (GDCT) and Master of Education in College Teaching (M.Ed)
Master Teacher Program (MTP)