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London landmarks

Read the information about Big Ben and put 5 questions to the text.

Watch the video and do the quiz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKmpld1PoPQ Video quiz questions 1) Fill the gap: Big Ben, officially called Elizabeth Tower, is one of the most famous ________________________ 2) Fill the gap: The tower has ________________________ bells hanging inside. 3) Fill the gap: 'Big Ben' refers to the ________________________ bell inside the tower, and not the clock or ... 4) Fill the gap: The story of Big Ben began in 1834 when a fire ________________________ the Palace of Westminster... 5) Fill the gap: The Royal Astronomer demanded the clock to be ________________________ to within one second. 6) Fill the gap: The largest bell is known as the ________________________ Bell, but most people call it 'Big Ben.' 7) Fill the gap: It might have been ________________________ for Sir Benjamin Hall, the project commissioner. 8) Fill the gap: It weighed ________________________ tons. 9) Fill the gap: The new bell weighed only ________________________ and a half tons. 10) Fill the gap: It is ________________________ meters in diameter. 11) Fill the gap: Big Ben ________________________ for the first time in 1859. 12) Fill the gap: This ________________________ to the bell remains to this day. 13) Fill the gap: Each of the four clock ________________________ are 180 feet or almost 55 meters above the ground. 14) Fill the gap: The iron frame of each clock face supports ________________________ pieces of glass. 15) Fill the gap: Big Ben is famously ________________________ 16) Fill the gap: Adding or removing a penny will change its speed by ________________________ seconds per day. 17) Fill the gap: The tower was known simply as the clock tower, or sometimes 'St. ________________________ Tower.' 18) Fill the gap: It was not renamed Elizabeth Tower until the Queen's Diamond ________________________ 19) Fill the gap: Visitors have to climb over ________________________ stairs to reach it.

Check yourselves https://learningapps.org/view891603

Read the information and answer the questions:

Watch the video and do the quiz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hesQO7oX5k Video quiz questions 1)Put the words in order: visit the London the trip Your a to will of Queen. without to incomplete be home 2)Fill the gap: Buckingham Palace has been the monarch's official residence ________________________ 1837. 3)Put the words in order: of It's life full and history. 4)Put the words in order: palace palace The the Throne the and the Gallery will Picture the of gardens. tour part of room, the the 19 state rooms, sprawling the include Ballroom, 5) While you're there you should .... the Queen's gallery.

  1. check in
  2. check out
  3. check up
6) The .... of the Royal collection changes all the time.
  1. excursion
  2. exhibition
  3. exploration
  4. excuse
7) You can also visit the Royal ...
  1. News.
  2. Mews.
  3. Kitchen.
8)Fill the gap: See the ________________________ and state vehicles. 9)Put the words in order: for summer. tours opened is Palace only in Buckingham the 10) But it's ... of taking a trip.
  1. worse
  2. worst
  3. worth
11) You can see the changing of the ...
  1. gardeners.
  2. guards.
  3. guys.

Check yourselves https://learningapps.org/view10743124

Read the information and answer the questions:

Watch the video and do the quiz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRkGg3IWUpk Video quiz questions 1)Fill the gap: The London Eye is located on the ________________________ of the Thames, just across ________________________ and the Houses of Parliament. 2) When was this huge ferry wheel completed? Answer the question using your own words 3) How high is it? More than ...

  1. 200 feet
  2. 300 feet
  3. 400 feet
4)Put the words in order: London. in now the fourth structure tallest It's 5) It takes _____ minutes to complete one revolution
  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 40
6)Put the words in order: holds gondolas passengers in 25 air-conditioned Each 32 comfort. 7) You can make a reservation for a private meeting in a gondola.
  1. True
  2. False
8) How far can you see from the top? Up to ... Answer the question using your own words 9)Put the words in order: 10 it operates Eye into well from the and is evening. The a.m. open as 10) How many people visit the Eye a year? Answer the question using your own words 11)Fill the gap: It offers views of London's ________________________ and ________________________ 12) Put the words in order: this city. way get of an ideal to different a perspective great It's

Check yourselves https://learningapps.org/view23684512

Read the information about Madame Tussauds Museum and choose 7 sentences from the text you consider to be important.

Watch the video and do the quiz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmhOMk6CEzU Video quiz questions 1) What does this woman do at the Madame Tussaud's?

  • tourist
  • artist
  • director
2) Madame Tussaud's came from Answer the question using your own words3) They survived in
  • 1930
  • 1940
  • 1920
4) Correct the wrong word: The face is inserted one by one individually5) Can you touch, hug or do something with figures? Answer the question using your own words6) How many figures of Queen Elisabeth does the museum have?
  • 20
  • 23
  • 25
7) What does she thinks is the most exciting?
  • the sunset
  • the view
  • the museum
8) What famous people could you see in the museum?

Check yourselves https://learningapps.org/view20456794

Check yourselves https://learningapps.org/view22565449

Check yourselves https://learningapps.org/view7436665

Watch the video and do the tasks https://learningapps.org/view20455759

Watch the video and do the quiz Video quiz questions 1) Put the words in order: of here sites most Palace one is world iconic site, the and heritage a Tower the of Royal London. in Both London2) Fill the gap: We're here ________________________ and early.3) Put the words in order: be the London. seeing gonna of the of opening Tower We're ceremony4) Fill the gap: The ________________________ have been escorted by the guards.5) Put the words in order: London Tower now The is open. of officially6) Built by ... the Conqueror.

  • Charles
  • George
  • William
  • John
7) Put the words in order: prison, It's Mint. armory and home Royal been also of the an a8) The most magnificent thing is ...
  • The Crown Jewels.
  • The Royal Mews.
  • The Royal Mint.
9) Put the words in order: and no head cameras that, allowed. see We're gonna but10) Fill the gap: We've stopped here at ________________________ Gate.11) The prisoners were brought by ....
  • raft
  • ship
  • boat

Read the information about St Paul`s Cathedral and put 5 questions to the text.

Read the information about the Tower of London and highlight the main ideas.