Healthcare challenge
Claudia Chew Han Ngee
Created on February 15, 2022
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How well can you navigate Singapore's healthcare system?
As a healthcare financial advisor, help these patients identify where they can receive treatment and how they can finance it. Click here to access the MOH website to find out more.
As you navigate the healthcare journeys of each patient,pick up a total of 4 clues along the way, indicated by a 'key' icon. Use them to unlock the mystery word at the end to complete the challenge!Click on Uncle Tan to start!
Uncle Tan
Uncle Tan, retired security guard, 67 years old. Has high blood pressure and cholesterol. Needs to go for regular check-ups.
These buttons provide links to sites that will help you find out more.
Lydia, housewife, 35 years old. Her husband is a construction worker, with a monthly income of $2000. She met with a serious accident on her way back from the market and needs major operations to repair her damaged organs.
Jarrell, self-employed adult, has a family of 5 kids, still repaying housing loan. One kid has been diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer, receiving chemotherapy.
Private care is not an option. Your patient was/is a blue-collared worker and cannot afford any Integrated Shield Plans. What are ISPs? Click to find out
Private healthcare
Public healthcare
Where should Uncle Tan seek treatment?
Public care is the more suitable option.Which type of healthcare should Uncle Tan choose?
Hospital care
Primary care
click to find out more about each type of healthcare
Hospitals are not as suitable as they deal more with acute medical conditions e.g. emergency conditions/surgery Uncle Tan's high BP and cholesterol are chronic conditions requiring long-term care.
*Try again!
Primary care is more suitable. Polyclinics provide subsidised primary medical treatment, preventive healthcare and health education.
how can uncle tan finance his medical expenses?
How can Uncle Tan finance his healthcare treatment? Go through the options to find out. CLICK ON GOVT SUBSIDIES TO START.
Medishield Life
Govt subsidies
Link to MOH website on healthcare schemes
Govt subsidies apply.
Patients with chronic conditions under the CDMP can also tap on government subsidies of up to $500 per year under the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) if they are CHAS cardholders. Higher subsidies are provided for the Pioneer and Merdeka generation.
Click to find out more about CHAS
Clue 1: Uncle Tan is 67 years old in 2022, and belongs to the Merdeka Generation. How much yearly CHAS subsidies for complex Chronic conditions does he qualify for?
Medisave is a viable option.
CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (CDMP)From 1 Jan 2021, patients with complex chronic conditions will be able to use up to $700 per patient yearly, while other patients will be able to use up to $500 per patient yearly for their treatments.
What potential problems might uncle tan face?
Click here for more info on Medisave
Uncle Tan had drained a large part of his Medisave savings in his earlier years to pay for his son's medical treatment. With his deteriorating health, as told by the doctor, his medical expenses are likely to rise sharply in the coming years.
Clue 2: What percentage of the Medisave claim would Uncle Tan need to co-pay?
Medishield Life does not apply as it covers large hospital bills which normally require hospitalisation
*Try again!
MediFund is unlikely here as it provides a safety net for patients who face financial difficulties with their remaining bills after other schemes/subsidies.
*Try again!
CLICK ON LYDIAPick up another TWO clues, indicated by a 'key' icon. Use them to unlock the mystery word at the end to complete the challenge!
Uncle Tan
Lydia, housewife, 35 years old. Her husband is a construction worker, with a monthly income of $2000. She met with a serious accident on her way back from the market and needs major operations to repair her damaged organs.
These buttons provide links to sites that will help you find out more.
Uncle Tan, retired security guard, 67 years old. Has high blood pressure and cholesterol. Needs to go for regular check-ups.
Jarrell, self-employed adult, has a family of 5 kids, still repaying housing loan. One kid has been diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer, receiving chemotherapy.
Private healthcare
Public healthcare
Where should Lydia seek treatment?
Private care is not an option. Your patient is unemployed and has little CPF savings. Her husband is a blue-collared worker. She is not covered under any Integrated Shield Plans. What are ISPs? Click to find out
Public care is the more suitable option.Which type of healthcare should Lydia choose?
Hospital care
Primary Care
click to find out more about each type of healthcare
Primary care, which includes GPs and polyclinics, is less suitable as Lydia requires major surgeries to recover from her accident.
Hospitals would provide the right care as they deal with acute medical conditions e.g. emergency conditions/surgery Lydia would require multiple major operations to repair her damanged organs :(
how can lydia finance her medical expenses?
How can Lydia finance her healthcare treatments? Go through the options to find out.CLICK ON GOVT SUBSIDIES TO START.
Medishield Life
Govt subsidies
Link to MOH website on healthcare schemes
Govt subsidies apply.
The government subsidises a large proportion of hospitalisation bills at Ward 2B/C. Regardless of the ward you choose, the quality of care is the same.
Clue 3: What percentage of one's hospital bill at Ward B2/C will be subsidised?
Medisave is a viable option.
Lydia is likely to require rehabilitative care for a long period of time, given the extent of her injuries. She can tap on Medisave to finance her visits to the physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions at the hospital.
Click to find out more about the use of Medisave for long-term care.
RehabilitationMediSave can be used to cover the costs of rehabilitative care, if you’re:
- An inpatient at an approved community hospital (for $250 per day, up to $5,000 per annum)
- An inpatient at an approved convalescent hospital (for $50 per day, up to $3,000 per annum)
- An outpatient at a day rehabilitation centre (for $25 per day, up to $1,500 per annum)
- An outpatient at an approved day hospital (for $150 per day, up to $3,000 per annum)
Medishield Life applies.
The payout from MediShield Life in this case will cover the bulk of the costs of Lydia's surgeries and hospitalisation bills. These will amount to at least 50k, given the severity of her injuries. No one will lose MediShield Life coverage due to inability to afford premiums.
Click here to find out more about making MediShied Life claims
How much will Lydia have to pay? Is the insurance coverage sufficient?
You are responsible for paying parts A, B and C of your bill from your MediSave account and/or in cash. Your MediShield Life plan will cover part D. A = MediShield Life claim limit - Under MediShield Life, the maximum claim limit per policy year is set at $150,000 with no lifetime limit on claims. More details on claim limits can be found here. B = The deductible – This is the fixed amount you have to pay of the bill (from your MediSave and/or in cash) before MediShield Life payout starts. You only have to pay this once in any year you are hospitalised. So if you are hospitalised twice in one year, your MediShield Life plan pays everything in your second bill except portions A and C. The following chart illustrates how much you would pay as a deductible in any one year if you are hospitalised. C = Co-insurance component - is a percentage of the claimable amount that you have to pay. The larger the bill, the lower the co-insurance payable. Under MediShield Life, the co-insurance rate starts at 10% and goes lower as the claimable amount increases.
Medifund might apply.
Lydia may apply for Medifund if she still faces difficulties for her medical bills. Patients and/or their families can approach the medical social workers at MediFund-approved institutions if they require assistance with their healthcare bills.
What problems might arise from such forms of means testing?
To be eligible, patients must be assessed to have difficulties paying for their healthcare bills after Government subsidies and other means including MediShield Life, MediSave, and cash.
CLICK ON JARRELLAlong the way pick up a total of 4 clues, indicated by a 'key' icon. Use them to unlock the mystery word at the end to complete the challenge!
Uncle Tan
Jarrell, self-employed adult, has a family of 5 kids, still repaying housing loan. One kid has been diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer, receiving chemotherapy.
These buttons provide links to sites that will help you find out more.
Uncle Tan, retired security guard, 67 years old. Has high blood pressure and cholesterol. Needs to go for regular check-ups.
Lydia, housewife, 35 years old. Her husband is a construction worker, with a monthly income of $2000. She met with a serious accident on her way back from the market and needs major operations to repair her damaged organs.
Private healthcare
Public healthcare
Where should Jarrell seek treatment for his child?
Private care is not an option. Your patient has limited CPF savings as he is now self-employed, and is still financing his housing loan.
Public care is the more suitable option.Which type of healthcare is suitable for his child?
Hospital care
Primary Care
click to find out more about each type of healthcare
Primary care, which includes primary medical treatment, preventive healthcare and health education, is less suitable as Jarrell's child requires chemotherapy.
Hospitals would provide the right care as they deal with acute medical conditions, including cancer treatment.Jarrell's child may require surgery, and chemotherapy to treat the stomach cancer.
How can Jarrell finance his child's medical expenses?
How can Jarrell finance his healthcare treatment? Go through the different options to find out.START WITH GOVT SUBSIDIES.
Medishield Life
Govt subsidies
Link to MOH website on healthcare schemes
Govt subsidies apply.
The Government will also subsidise more cancer treatments and raise the criteria from a per capita monthly income of $2,800 to $6,500 for subsidies under the Medication Assistance Fund for certain high cost drugs.
Medisave is a viable option.
Up to $1,200 per month for cancer drug treatments with MediShield Life claim limit above $5,400, and $600 per month for other treatments on the positive list.
Click to find out more about the use of Medisave for cancer treatment
Medishield Life applies.
MediShield Life coverage for cancer treatment ranges quite widely month, based on the drugs used. The child is also covered under MediShield Life, premiums can be paid using the MediSave Grant for Newborns Additional $1,200 per year for cancer drug services.
Click to find out more about the use of MediShield Life for cancer treatment
Clue 4: In the revised MediShield Life scheme, how much additional per year is covered for cancer drug services?
Medifund might apply.
Jarrell might apply for Medifund if he still faces difficulties for his child's medical bills. Patients and/or their families can approach the medical social workers at MediFund-approved institutions if they require assistance with their healthcare bills.
What problems might arise from such forms of means testing?
Link to final challenge
To be eligible, patients must be assessed to have difficulties paying for their healthcare bills after Government subsidies and other means including MediShield Life, MediSave, and cash.
Crack the final code with the clues you have collected.
Click here when you are ready with your mystery word
for successfully completing the challenge but to finish things off...
Complete the final task as a group to qualify for the grand prize. Click here