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This presentation stresses on the relevance of oral activities in the Natural Science classroom. The topic that has been chosen, Animals groups , is going to be taught next week in my class though my blog. Thus, it is the main reason why three oral activities have been designed to apply them with my students. In this presentation, let´s break down the four aspects requested in relation to the oral activities. These are:

  • The group characteristics.
  • The explanation of the designed activities.
  • Justification of strategies and materials for each activity.
  • All materials and strategies.
Then, let´s analyze.

Level: 4th grade. 24 students (9 years old), three student with special needs (two with Deficit of Atention and one with a Low Intelectual Coficient) At least the half of the students are immigrants from different countries and social backgroungs.

1ST ACTIVITY.- It is a warming up activity to review animal groups. Guessing game. Each student has a different worksheet with many pictures of animals. They cut out all of them making small cards. One of them put one card on the table and the other two have to say aloud the animal group (fish, mammal, reptile and so on). The student who guesses gain the turn. The teacher walks around for recast. 2ºND ACTIVITY.-After finishing the previous warming up activity, the teacher group the students in pairs. They are going to use their animal cards as well. Then, the teacher gives out the model grammar structure for supporting their speaking. Now, one of the students shows the card and the other should tell the animal characteristics helped by the grammar structures. For instance: if the animal is a snake, It is a reptile because it has got scales. When finishing, it is the other student turn. The teacher walks around for recast. 3RD ACTIVITY.- The last activity is focused on how to pronoun well herbivore, carnivore and omnivore as well as oviparous and viviparous. Firstly, the teacher sticks on the blackboard the vowel chart and explains the two vowels that are going to be introduced. She points out the sound on the chart. She says the sounds and writes on the digital board the five words related to the sounds, modelling the students and matching each word with the sound. They have to repeat all together three times. Then, they are grouped in four. Now, one put the animal card on the table and the others have to say aloud: It is oviparous and herbivore. They help all together focusing on the two new sounds they have just learnt and change the turn until the time is over. As always, the teacher walks around to help them.

In the activities, strategies such as scaffolding guesing games with small cards, scaffolding model grammar structure worksheet and modelling with the vowel chart are going to be used in order to facilitate the students the chance to speak in a funny way without being worried for the mistakes combined with a safe and secure environment. In the first activity, the animal´s worksheet become small cards to be easier to manage by the kids. As consequence, these material can be used in the rest of the activities, encouraging the students to speak. Thus, the three activities are interconnected. Not only, are they related to the same topic, but they also share the same cards. As a result, the language learning and the speaking flow as if everything seems the same task for them. Regarding to the second activity , scaffolding model grammar structure worksheet. is a supported resource together with the key vocabulary to push the pupils to speak. Finally, in the third activity, modelling with the vowel chart is a scaffolding tool which help the student to match specific sounds with words. Moreover, learning by repetition is supposed to be a tradditional and useful learning strategy that ii could be wise to take into account.

To conclude, these are the pictures of the materials that are going to support the teaching and learning strategies along the activities. - Activity 1: Animal´s worksheet - Activity 2: Model grammar structure - Activity 3 : Vowel chart