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English-English English-ItalianEnglish-Romanian English-SpanishEnglish-Turkish Dictionary


The words in The Yin Yang of the Media eTwinning Project's multilingual dictionary have been chosen according to our subject. This dictionary has been dedicated to all of the teachers and students who took part in this activity.

an animated film or the process of making animated films


a business that provides a service


a record of your thoughts that you put on the Internet for other people to read


kind of TV programmes that are appropriate for children to watch and help children learn something

Child-friendly media

a film made using characters that are drawn and not real


1. the habits, traditions, and beliefs of a country, society, or group of people 2. music, art, theatre, literature, etc.


a crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Cybercrime may harm someone's security and financial health.

Cyber crime

the activity of using the internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant messages


A large amount of information stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be easily looked at or changed.


someone who writes a regular article for a newspaper or magazine


A square post supporting a structural member at the corner of a building.

Corner post

using or relating to computers and the internet


A person who corrects or changes pieces of text or films before they are printed or shown, or a person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine. A person at a newspaper or similar institution who edits stories and decides which ones to publish.


One's unique set of traceable digital activities, actions, contributions and communications manifested on the Internet or digital devices.

Digital footprint

The system for using computers to send messages over the internet.A system for transferring messages from one computer to another usually via a network.


The result of a particular influence.The result or outcome of a cause


The type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts.


A tool for selecting or removing a particular type of information.


1. Careful attention that is given to something such as a task, or the ability to give your full attention to something.2. If you focus a device such as a camera or microscope, or if it focuses, a device on the lens moves so that you can see a clear picture.


shared by, typical of, or relating to a whole group of similar things, rather than to any particular thing


all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family


1. an alphabetical list, such as one printed at the back of a book showing which page a subject, name, etc. is on 2. a collection of information stored on a computer or on a set of cards, in alphabetical order


A set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning

Information Literacy

the use of computers to create, process, store, retrieve, and exchange all kinds of electronic data and information

Information Technology

any picture, especially one formed by a mirror or a lens


the large system of connected computers around the world that allows people to share information and communicate with each other


the internet, newspapers, magazines, television, etc., considered as a group


consists of practices that allow people to access, critically evaluate, and create or manipulate media

Media literacy

occurs when someone uses another person's personal identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number, without their permission, to commit fraud or other crimes

Identity theft

A significant word used ın indexing or catalog. The most important, or main, word or words ın your tropic

Key word

Describes actions performed over the internet.


A diagram used to represent words,ideas,tasks or other linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.

mind map

Communication technology such as radio, television, internet, etc that can reach mass populations.The channels and the instituons of communications.

Mass media

to send someone a short message using a mobile phone or computer


State of not being connected to the server on the computer.


(for tools) Non-fake, non-imitation, factory-made.


The popular view,general mood of the public, viewpointof the population

public opinion

The right to participate means the right to vote and be elected, which is indispensable for democratic systems.

right to participate

The text that is the basis for the production of a movie or a guide to the realization of a television show.


a computer program that finds information on the internet by looking for words that you have typed in

search engine

A doctrine, thought, belief, policy, etc. All kinds of work carried out verbally, in writing and by similar means and means with the aim of introducing, adopting and disseminating to others.


the ability to control your emotions and actions

self control

involves how an individual evaluates oneself and his/her actions

self criticism

A short and striking statement made to propagate on idea and support on action.


It is the interaction process in which individuols learn the volues attitudes,knowledge and skills of the society they are a member of in short the culture of that society.


It is the sharing and dialogue that people make with each other on the internet.

social media

To disrupt the operation of an online community particularly by luring others into combative argument.


A community where a good or service is originally intended to be delivered and a message is managed.

target group

A video diary is where the user creates a video recording an a certain topic evert day.


Fully existing held with the hand and seen with eye.
