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Portfolio LLCE 1
Marie Picq
Created on February 6, 2022
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Marie PICQ
In what way the characters of fairy tale are a caricature of the reality which can make react or create complexes?
02. Fantasy characters represent an overly embellished reality and at the same time creates complexes
01. The fantastic characters who caricatures reality
" No time to say hello, goodbay !I'm late, I'm late, I'm late ! "
The white Rabbit : Alice in wonderland
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The fantastic characters who caricatures reality
"However, because Cinderella kept asking, the stepmother finally said, "I have scattered a bowl of lentils into the ashes for you. If you can pick them out again in two hours, then you may go with us." The girl went through the back door into the garden, and called out, "You tame pigeons, you turtledoves, and all you birds beneath the sky, come and help me to gather: The good ones go into the pot, The bad ones go into your crop." Two white pigeons came in through the kitchen window, and then the turtledoves, and finally all the birds beneath the sky came whirring and swarming in, and lit around the ashes. The pigeons nodded their heads and began to pick, pick, pick, pick. And the others also began to pick, pick, pick, pick. They gathered all the good grains into the bowl. Hardly one hour had passed before they were finished, and they all flew out again. The girl took the bowl to her stepmother, and was happy, thinking that now she would be allowed to go to the festival with them."
Cinderella -> Grimm Brothers
Painting: Happily ever after : Scott Gustafson
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Fantasy characters represent an overly embellished reality and at the same time creates complexes
In a flash, the bedtime stories I’d been read as a child assumed responsibility for all the hours I’ve since wasted applying and removing make-up, to say nothing of some fairly drastic lapses of judgement when it comes to the male character. (Princes, huh?) All of it, I felt newly certain, could have been avoided had I not been lulled to sleep by stories like Cinderella and Snow White, their potent narratives of helpless beauties forming the warp and weft of my dreams. Yes, I had become one of those women decrying princesses as toxic. If there’s one gender cliché to rival that of the princess, it’s the ‘feisty’ girlNot that I’ve ever been a fan of princess culture, but that particular poison apple had always seemed far more a product of the cinema than of literature. Fairy tales, I’d been schooled to believe, were caches of psychological strength and imaginative verve. As fans from Angela Carter to Neil Gaiman confirm, they gift a child with the tools for surviving future challenges and teach them about their own psyches. And yet, my problem with the stories persisted.
“Is it time to rewrite fairy tales?”
Extract from BBC culture
She had the day to wander so she strolled the forest edge, heard the mirth of fairies long at play, saw a rope-swing gaily swaying on a limb, inviting her to step into the woods and ask, Can I come? Can I play? They taught her fairy tales and sang hand-clapping games down by the brook— but morning-glory petals started folding—day was closing, evening coming and with heavy steps she had to turn away. I cannot play. I cannot play.
Poem of Monica Sharman
"Poisoned apples"
poem from C.Hepperman