Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Go through the slides to learn more about this circuit!

Click on > to go forward.And put your mouse over these things to find out more!

Click on < to go backward(not available here because it is the first page)

A step-by-step way to decode this circuit!

They will give you hints.

Identify each component.Then go to the next screen >

AC power





Flip to switch to create a closed circuit for the relay.

Switch is closed

This battery is just for the relay.

The relay has two positions - this is one of them. In this position, the circuit for the lightbulb is open.

Switch is closed

Battery is powering on the relay.

Relay is photosensitive. If there is no light, the relay will pull the lever into the second position (click to the next page).

Switch is closed

The relay is now in the second position (flip back to the previous screen to see the previous position). At this position, the circuit with the lightbulb is now closed.

Battery is powering on the relay.

AC power for the lightbulb.

With a closed circuit, the lightbulb is powered by the AC and turn ON!