Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Enjoy this game whose questions were created by 3 European schools: ICS L. Docimo di Rose (IT), CEIP Escola Nova (ESP) and ARthur Rimbaud School (FR) !


Rollthe dice!

Pax MediaGame

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Start by rolling the dice and move your token along the board. When you fall on a question square, click on the button and answer the question. If you're right, roll the dice again. If you're wrong, another player rolls the dice. And so on. Special squares. If you fall on : - the key (square 52): you have to wait for someone landing on your square to roll the dice and move onward. - the double arrows (square 31) : you have to wait for someone landing on your square to stay here and replace you. Then you roll the dice and move onward. - the bell (square 47) : you have to start the whole game again from the start! - the trolley (square 35) : you have to go back to square 20 - the camera (square 19) : you have to wait for your turn twice before rolling the dice again! - square 6 because you've done a straight 6 with the dice, you move directly to square 12! - the thumb up , you roll the dice again! Special moves: LADDERS SNAKESIf the player's token lands on the lower-numbered end of a "ladder", the player moves the token up to the ladder's higher-numbered squareIf the player lands on the higher-numbered square of a "snake", the token must be moved down to the snake's lower-numbered square

You've spent 4 hours on your PC to make a deep fake video . Miss you turn twice!

If you've done a straight 6 with the dice to fall on that square, you move directly to square 12!

You've made friends with a bad Youtuber who's famous for her spreading fake news. Stop here and wait for a real friend to set you free !

You've taught your parents about fake news on social media. Great job! Roll the dice again!

You've sent a Covid 19 rumour about vaccines to your friends on your mobile. You have to stay stuck in your bedroom for a while. Wait for someone passing by and you'll be free again !

You've sent too many fake posts on your Instagram account. Back to square one!

You've asked to your librarian about a global warming tweet . Well done! Roll the dice again!

Don't click on any attractive link without checking the source! Come on! Back to square 20 now!

You've checked up all the sources and found out about Donald Trump's last fake news tweet. Roll the dice again!