
Cardiac Arrest Trolley PHU
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ALS Cardiac Arrest Trolley Information

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Cardiac Arrest Trolley PHU R Series Monitor DefibrillatorThe ZOLL R Series Monitor/Defibrillator provides hospitals with optimal defibrillation and pacing treatments while helping professionals deliver...Zoll

Zoll R Series Defibrillator with Step One Pads should be attached for calibration and easy of rapid use in an emergency Resource guides available on intranet on the Resuscitation Department Webpage

Airway Drawer Includes Bag Valve Mask (BVM), anaesthetic cushion mask, non re-breath face mask, oropharyngeal airway size 2,3,4, Nasopharyngeal airways sizes 6 & 7, lubricant, suction tubing, Oxygen tubing and a spare suction canister.

Breathing Drawer Contains endotracheal tubes sizes 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0, lubricating gel, MAC 4 laryngoscopes, iGEL size 3 & 4, stethoscope, Magill's forceps, 10ml syringe, cotton tape,and capnography device for the ZOLL

Circulation Drawer In the circulation drawer, there will be needles, syringes, cannula & dressings, tourniquet, scissors, razor, tape, pen touch, ABG syringes, spare defib pads, central line, magnet, gauze, alcohol swabs, goggles and gloves.

Drug Drawer Cardiac arrest + peri-arrest drugs, IV Fluids and giving sets, reversible causes cards & RCUK algorithm cards.

Zoll R Series Defibrillator OneStep Zoll Defib Pads are attached at all times. This is for daily calibration of the device and ease of use during a cardiac arrest.

2 FULL CD Cylinders stored on side of the cardiac arrest trolley, with one connected to the flow meter at all times. The expiry dates of the cylinders are recorded on the weekly checklist

To open the cardiac arrest trolley, push down to release. The Tamper Tag should be inspected everyday, to ensure tag number aligns to checklists.

Daily Check Zoll R Series Defibrillator Each day, the Zoll defibrillator should be checked to ensure there is a green tick in the calibration window. If there is a red cross, check that the defib pads are connected, the pads are in date and the trolley is plugged into power. If all are present, then report to Medical Engineering immediately.

Red Folder The red folder, stored on the top of the trolley, contains the weekly + daily checklists, consumable ordering information, drug order forms, device user guides.

The Sharps Bin is for use only in a medical emergency and not for general use. The sharps bin should be empty at all times.

The Flow Meter is connected to one of the CD Oxygen Cylinders at all times

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