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WHAT Happened
Greco-Persian War
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Click on the map and below to find out about Athens & Sparta two of the main Greek poleis (city states) involved in the war

Greco-Persian War

The Greeks

Click on the images and below to find out about the Persian Empire

The Persians

WHAT Happened



Persian Empire

Athens Use the resources here to learn about Ancient Athens. Remember, you do not have to watch and read everything. Just use parts of the sources to help you build up a better picture of Athenian culture and their involvement in the Greco-Persian War. You can watch this video about Ancient Athenian values and social structure: Athens and Experiments in Democracy | KanopyGreece's most famous city-state is often praised for its creation of democracy. You examine the origins of that system and discover some surprising...Kanopy You can use this link to explore the history of Athens: Ancient GreeceThe term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the years 700-480 B.C., not the Classical Age (480-323 B.C.) known for its art, architecture and...HISTORY

Sparta Use the resources here to learn about Ancient Sparta. Remember, you do not have to watch and read everything. Just use parts of the sources to help you build up a better picture of Spartan culture and their involvement in the Greco-Persian War. Use this Link to learn about how Spartan life and warfare: Hoplite Warfare and Sparta | KanopyExperience what it was like to be raised a Spartan man or woman, the changes in military tactics and equipment that made their armies so feared, and...Kanopy Use this link to learn about Spartan History:,(431%2D404%20B.C.).&text=Although%20Spartan%20women%20were%20not,freedom%20than%20other%20Greek%20women. SpartaSparta was a warrior society in ancient Greece that reached the height of its power after defeating rival city-state Athens in the Peloponnesian War...HISTORY

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