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Selecting the "Collapse" icon will minimize your class management bar. You can undo this action by simply clicking the icon again, now renamed to "Expand."

The camera and microphone toggles allow you to temporarily turn off your audio and video feed. Selecting the "Collapse" icon will minimize your class management bar. You can undo this action by simply clicking the icon again.

In order to share your screen, click on this "SHARE" button. You will be directed to a pop-up window where you can select to share a particular app. You can also toggle on "Share whole screen," where you will be prompted to select your desktop and hit "SHARE." In order to then end your screen share, simply click the button again, which will now be denoted by "STOP SHARING."

Select the "More Actions" menu for a set of icons that allow you to access various functions. 1. "Annotate. . ." on a presentation, available only when you are sharing your screen. 2. "Mute Tables While On Podium In Table Mode" will give you the ability to hear all table conversations when you are in table mode. 3. "Distribute Docs" will allow you to make the documents you linked for various tables before you logged in visible for/editable by all students. 4. "Call all students who did not speak yet" which will send a raise hand request to all students who have not previously joined the podium/raised their hand. 5. "Switch to moderated," will allow you to set the class on moderated mode. Students now will now need the approval to join the podium and speak to the entire class upon raising their hand. 6. "End Class," will log you out.

Click on "QR Action" in order to initiate a quiz or poll during your presentation. Make sure that your poll is correctly formatted. For example, a single-answer multiple-choice question should have the following form: You will be able to view live results according to a real-time pie chart. Once you toggle on "Share Results," students will no longer have the ability to participate in the poll but will be shared the anonymous results of the poll. Toggling on "Lock Answers" will continue student access to polls, but they will only have one chance to answer the question, meaning they can not change their answers upon choosing an option. The camera and microphone toggles allow you to temporarily turn off your audio and video feed. Selecting the "Collapse" icon will minimize your class management bar. You can undo this action by simply clicking the icon again.

Select the "Start clip" button when you wish to play a video for your class. You can upload a video before class using your Engageli Portal under the "Media Management" tab. In any case, once you select this button you will be taken to the following window where you can choose which video to play: You can also insert a YouTube URL directly. Note that all participants will be muted when you play a video for the class. You will be able to click "Stop Clip" to exit the video player.

These buttons, "Open gallery view" and "Open table view," allow you to toggle between views of the classroom. They are duplicates of those buttons on the left of your screen just below the class management bar "TABLES" and "GALLERIES."

Select "Presentation controller" in order to control what your students see. When you hover over the icon, the following menu will appear: The options are as follows: Direct view to instructor video (making primary student view a large version of your video feed).Direct view to gallery view.Direct view to tablemates view.Direct view to your screen share (available only when you are presenting).Direct view to student screen share (available only when student is presenting class-wide). After selecting one of these icons, they will appear highlighted in white. You can toggle off your preference by clicking it again, but student views will not automatically be changed to that before you directed it. Furthermore, this function does not lock student views.

Select "Open Settings" in order to be directed to a pop-up settings window resembling that from before you started the class. Note that some of these settings are not accessible because you are logged in with your Google/SAML.

  • Audio and video settings: here you can change or test the source for your audio and video feeds.
  • Classroom settings: with this menu, you can set certain student defaults, such as what the default table size is, what student default audio settings are (you can switch to "Large class mode" and mute all students immediately and for future joiners, or mute table upon login).
    • You can also set a class default to open in moderated mode as well as allow students to send each other clickable links in the chat.
  • Preferences: Here you can toggle on certain options such as a screen share preview (for your screen shares) or allowing the "Observe" function.
  • Accessibility: with this menu, you can control all pop-up alerts that students receive during a session.

There are two main modes in Engageli: Room Mode: This is the default when you enter your Engageli classroom. This means that as the instructor you will hear the audio feeds from all learners, and they will hear each other, regardless of where they are seated. When to use: class discussions, lectures, announcements, etc. Table Mode: When you enable Table Mode, learners will hear only their tablemates and you will only hear learners who raise their hands. When to use: small group discussions, projects, and other table activities You can easily toggle between the two modes.

Clicking on "START" on this timer will allow to enter minutes and click a "start" arrow. You can then toggle the up and down arrows to add or subtract minutes as well as pause your timer.

Click on "GALLERIES" in order to open up gallery view. Here, you'll be able to see all students participating in the class session. In this view, you'll have the ability to click on student video feeds in order to access the following drop-down menu: With this menu, you can perform actions such as directly sending chat messages, turn off (or request to turn back on) their video feeds and mic, and requesting to raise their hands, prompting them to join the podium and broadcast to the class. Note also that clicking "Move to panel" will allow you to create a second gallery view, which you can toggle between using the colored gallery buttons. This panel will contain a group of students that can broadcast to the entire class not on the podium, but via a new student view entitled "Panel." "Reaction to student" allows you to send them a screen reader alert from the following messages: Finally, clicking "Block Student from class" will remove the student according to their Google/SAML for one hour. Wa

Clicking on "TABLES" will direct you to a primary view where you have the ability to identify which students are seated at which tables. From here, you can move individual students, create randomized groups, or select a preconfigured table assignment.

Selecting "LISTS" view will allow you to view student seating without the table icons. It will display the names of all students seated there rather than just their profile icons.

Selecting this drop-down menu will reveal the following options: Here you can lock tables, thus preventing students from leaving, as well as add tables or remove all "reservations," which serve as ten-minute holds on a spot at a table if a student loses connections.

Clicking on the seating arrangement drop down menu will reveal the following list of options: The default setting for tables is "Free Seating." Selecting "Instructor's Seating" will assign students to the table groups that you initially gave to students when you created your class roster in your Workspace. These serve as default table assignments. If you have added a preset by selecting "UPLOAD PRESET" in your Workspace, you can select which one you would like to implement in class by selecting "Apply preset." Presets are most useful for activity table arrangements, different from the default table arrangement (instructor's seating). You will also be prompted to choose from a list of all presets you have uploaded when you select this option in the app. If you select "Save session preset," you will be able to create a preset from within the app.This preset will save the current seating arrangement for future enforcement. Selecting "Random Arrangement Tablesize" will randomly redistribute participants across tables in group sizes (1-10 participants) of your choosing.

Selecting "OBSERVE" is very similar in nature to selecting "JOIN." Again, you will be able to temporarily hear and see (on your side bar window) all participants seated at that table. Also note that when you are peeking at a table, all participants, including those seated at the table you are peeking at, will see your video feed disappear from their views. They will see the message "Raise hand for instructor." This means that participants at the table you have joined will not be alerted of your presence at their table. You can end your observation by clicking on the yellow button that appears in your class management bar when you join a table.

Click on the student search bar in order to find where students are seated in the table view or located in the gallery view. This search bar will auto-guess student names and then highlight their table upon clicking. Under the table lists view, it will highlight their name as well.

Selecting the "CHAT" tab allows you to access the chat editor and recipient menu, as shown here. The chat is private depending on your choice of recipient, and participants have the ability to download chat history at any point during a class. Note, however, the chat history is not stored from class to class, meaning chats will disappear for all students fifteen minutes after you have ended your class session.

Click on the "Q&A" tab to reveal Engageli's built-in question-and-answer forum. You have the ability to click the check icon or approve, student answers to questions. You also have the ability to delete them. Your answers to questions will be automatically approved and will be displayed highlighted in green. Furthermore, you can post your own question.

Clicking the "Record Lecture" button will allow you to start or pause a recording at any point once you have logged into a class. Note that hovering over the button will reveal the play, pause, and stop icons. Pressing the stop icon after pressing play will disable recording for the rest of the class (i.e. for the remainder of the time you are logged on). After the class has concluded, you will be sent an email to the address you used to sign onto Engageli with the recording attached. Note that recordings will not contain the video feeds of participants who broadcast to the class (i.e. participants who have raised their hands/joined the podium) unless you select the option to "Record Student Videos" under "Settings."

Clicking on the chat recipient menu will reveal a list of groups and individuals to whom you can choose to send a message.

Selecting "JOIN" while hovering over a table will allow you to temporarily hear, see, and interact with members of a table. When you peek at or join a table, your video feed will disappear from the views of all participants not seated at that table. Instead, it will be replaced by "Raise hand for instructor." When you join a table, your sidebar window will automatically show the video feeds of all participants seated at that table, and your class management bar will expand downward to reveal any screen share performed by a student at that table. You can leave a table by selecting the yellow button that appears on your class management bar.

Al seleccionar el icono "Collapse" se minimizará la barra de gestión de clases. Puede deshacer esta acción simplemente haciendo clic en el ícono nuevamente, ahora renombrado como "Expand".

Los interruptores de la cámara y el micrófono le permiten apagar temporalmente su fuente de audio y video. Al seleccionar el icono "Collapse" se minimizará la barra de gestión de clases. Puede deshacer esta acción simplemente haciendo clic en el icono nuevamente.

Para compartir su pantalla, haga clic en este botón "SHARE". Se le dirigirá a una ventana emergente donde puede seleccionar compartir una aplicación en particular. También puede activar "Share whole screen", donde se le pedirá que seleccione su escritorio y presione "SHARE". Para luego finalizar su uso compartido de pantalla, simplemente haga clic en el botón nuevamente, que ahora se indicará como "STOP SHARING."

Seleccione el menú "More Actions" para ver un conjunto de iconos que le permiten acceder a varias funciones. 1. "Annotate. . ." en una presentación, disponible solo cuando está compartiendo su pantalla. 2. "Mute Tables While On Podium In Table Mode" te dará la posibilidad de escuchar todas las conversaciones de la mesa cuando estés en el modo de mesa. 3. "Distribute Docs" le permitirá hacer que los documentos que vinculó para varias tablas antes de iniciar sesión sean visibles o editables por todos los estudiantes. 4. "Call all students who did not speak yet" que enviará una solicitud de levantar la mano a todos los estudiantes que no hayan subido al podio/alzado la mano previamente. 5. "Switch to moderated," le permitirá configurar la clase en modo moderado. Los estudiantes ahora necesitarán la aprobación para unirse al podio y hablar con toda la clase al levantar la mano. 6. "End Class," cerrará su sesión.

Haga clic en "Activate Tag" para iniciar un cuestionario o encuesta durante su presentación. Asegúrate de que tu encuesta tenga el formato correcto. Por ejemplo, una pregunta de opción múltiple de respuesta única debe tener la siguiente forma: Podrá ver los resultados en vivo de acuerdo con un gráfico circular en tiempo real. Una vez que active "Share Results", los estudiantes ya no podrán participar en la encuesta, pero se compartirán los resultados anónimos de la encuesta. Al activar "Lock Answers", los estudiantes seguirán accediendo a las encuestas, pero solo tendrán una oportunidad de responder la pregunta, lo que significa que no pueden cambiar sus respuestas al elegir una opción.

Al hacer clic en "Start clips", podrá elegir un videoclip que haya subido a su espacio de trabajo para compartirlo con su clase. También puede pegar una URL de YouTube. Podrá hacer clic en "Stop Clip" para salir del reproductor de video. Los estudiantes no podrán hablar durante los videoclips

These buttons, "Open gallery view" and "Open table view," allow you to toggle between views of the classroom. They are duplicates of those buttons on the left of your screen just below the class management bar "TABLES" and "GALLERIES."

Select "Presentation controller" in order to control what your students see. When you hover over the icon, the following menu will appear: The options are as follows: Direct view to instructor video (making primary student view a large version of your video feed).Direct view to gallery view.Direct view to tablemates view.Direct view to your screen share (available only when you are presenting).Direct view to student screen share (available only when student is presenting class-wide). After selecting one of these icons, they will appear highlighted in white. You can toggle off your preference by clicking it again, but student views will not automatically be changed to that before you directed it. Furthermore, this function does not lock student views.

Select "Open Settings" in order to be directed to a pop-up settings window resembling that from before you started the class. Note that some of these settings are not accessible because you are logged in with your Google/SAML.

  • Audio and video settings: here you can change or test the source for your audio and video feeds.
  • Classroom settings: with this menu, you can set certain student defaults, such as what the default table size is, what student default audio settings are (you can switch to "Large class mode" and mute all students immediately and for future joiners, or mute table upon login).
    • You can also set a class default to open in moderated mode as well as allow students to send each other clickable links in the chat.
  • Preferences: Here you can toggle on certain options such as a screen share preview (for your screen shares) or allowing the "Observe" function.
  • Accessibility: with this menu, you can control all pop-up alerts that students receive during a session.

Hay dos modos principales en Engageli. Room Mode: De manera por defecto, cuando ingrese a su aula de Engageli como instructor, escuchará las transmisiones de audio de todos los estudiantes y se escucharán entre sí, independientemente de dónde estén sentados. Cuándo usar: debates en clase, conferencias, anuncios, etc. Table Mode: Cuando habilite el modo de mesa, los estudiantes solo escucharán a sus compañeros de mesa y usted solo escuchará a los alumnos que levanten la mano. Cuándo usar: debates en grupos pequeños, proyectos y otras actividades de mesa Puede alternar fácilmente entre los dos modos.

Al hacer clic en "Start" en este temporizador, podrá ingresar los minutos y hacer clic en la flecha de "start". Luego puede alternar las flechas hacia arriba y hacia abajo para agregar o restar minutos, así como pausar su temporizador.

Haga clic en "GALLERIES" para abrir la vista de galería. Aquí podrá ver a todos los estudiantes que participan en la sesión de clase. En esta vista, podrá hacer clic en las transmisiones de video de los estudiantes para acceder al siguiente menú desplegable: Con este menú, puede realizar acciones como enviar directamente mensajes de chat, apagar (o solicitar que se vuelvan a encender) sus transmisiones de video y micrófono, y solicitar que levanten la mano, instándolos a unirse al podio y transmitir a la clase. Tenga en cuenta también que hacer clic en "Move to panel" le permitirá crear una segunda vista de galería, que puede alternar entre usar los botones de galería de colores. Este panel contendrá un grupo de estudiantes que pueden transmitir a toda la clase no en el podio, sino a través de una nueva vista de estudiante titulada "Panel". "Reaction to student" le permite enviarle una alerta de lector de pantalla a partir de los siguientes mensajes: Finalmente, al hacer clic en "Block Student from class", se eliminará al estudiante de acuerdo con su correo electrónico durante una hora. Wa

Cuando se une a una mesa, la pestaña "TABLES" en el lado derecho de su pantalla mostrará automáticamente las transmisiones de video de todos los participantes sentados en esa mesa.

Si selecciona la vista "LISTS", podrá ver los asientos de los estudiantes sin los íconos de las mesas. Mostrará los nombres de todos los estudiantes sentados allí en lugar de solo sus íconos de perfil.

Al seleccionar este menú desplegable, aparecerán las siguientes opciones: Aquí puede bloquear mesas, evitando así que los estudiantes se vayan, así como agregar mesas o eliminar todas las "reservas", que sirven como retenciones de diez minutos en un lugar en una mesa si un estudiante pierde las conexiones.

Al hacer clic en el menú desplegable de distribución de asientos, se mostrará la siguiente lista de opciones: La configuración por defecto para las mesas es "Free Seating." Al seleccionar "Instructor's Seating" los estudiantes se asignarán a los grupos de mesa que les dio inicialmente a los estudiantes cuando creó su lista de clases en su espacio de trabajo. Estos sirven como asignaciones de mesa predeterminadas. Si ha agregado un ajuste preestablecido seleccionando"UPLOAD PRESET" en su espacio de trabajo, puede seleccionar cuál le gustaría implementar en clase seleccionando "Apply Preset". Los ajustes preestablecidos son más útiles para la disposición de las mesas de actividades, a diferencia de la disposición de las mesas predeterminada (asientos del instructor). También se le pedirá que elija de una lista de todos los ajustes preestablecidos que ha cargado cuando seleccione esta opción en la aplicación. Si selecciona "Save session preset", podrá crear un preajuste desde la aplicación. Este preajuste guardará la disposición actual de los asientos para aplicarla en el futuro. Al seleccionar "Random Arrangement Tablesize" se redistribuirán aleatoriamente los participantes en las mesas en tamaños de grupo (1-10 participantes) de su elección.

Seleccionar "OBSERVE" es de naturaleza muy similar a seleccionar "JOIN". Nuevamente, podrá escuchar y ver temporalmente (en la ventana de la barra lateral) a todos los participantes sentados en esa mesa. También tenga en cuenta que cuando mira una mesa, todos los participantes, incluidos los que están sentados en la mesa que está mirando, verán que su transmisión de video desaparece de sus vistas. Verán el mensaje "Raise hand for instructor". Esto significa que los participantes en la mesa a la que se ha unido no serán alertados de su presencia en su mesa. Puede finalizar su observación haciendo clic en el botón amarillo que aparece en la barra de administración de su clase cuando se une a una mesa.

Haga clic en la barra de búsqueda de estudiantes para encontrar dónde están sentados los estudiantes en la vista de mesa o ubicados en la vista de galería. Esta barra de búsqueda adivinará automáticamente los nombres de los estudiantes y luego resaltará su tabla al hacer clic. Debajo de la vista de listas de tablas, también se resaltará su nombre.

Al hacer clic en la pestaña "CHAT", aparecerá el espacio donde puede enviar mensajes directos a los alumnos, a su mesa o a toda la clase. Puede cargar documentos en el chat y descargar el historial del chat. Los chats se eliminan cada vez que cierra la sesión.

Al hacer clic en "Q&A", podrá abrir el hilo de preguntas y respuestas de su clase. Aquí puede publicar preguntas, descargar el hilo y responder otras preguntas.

Al hacer clic en el icono de reproducción, se comenzará a grabar la clase. También puede hacer clic en pausa para pausar la grabación en cualquier momento de la clase, reservando la opción de hacer clic en reproducir nuevamente. NOTA: solo puedes hacer una grabación por clase. Esto significa que en cuanto haga clic en el icono de detener, no podrá reproducir una grabación mientras esté conectado. Los enlaces de grabación se le envían por correo electrónico directamente después de la clase y los estudiantes pueden acceder a ellos automáticamente desde sus salas de reproducción.

Clicking on the chat recipient menu will reveal a list of groups and individuals to whom you can choose to send a message.

Si selecciona "JOIN" mientras se desplaza sobre una mesa, podrá escuchar, ver e interactuar temporalmente con los miembros de una mesa. Cuando mira o se une a una mesa, su transmisión de video desaparecerá de las vistas de todos los participantes que no estén sentados en esa mesa. En su lugar, será reemplazado por "Raise hand for instructor". Cuando se une a una mesa, la ventana de su barra lateral mostrará automáticamente las transmisiones de video de todos los participantes sentados en esa mesa, y la barra de administración de su clase se expandirá hacia abajo para revelar cualquier pantalla compartida realizada por un estudiante en esa mesa. Puedes abandonar una mesa seleccionando el botón amarillo que aparece en la barra de administración de tu clase.

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