Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



and the new guy!

Clic on the animals' to learn their names


Click and learn the names of the instruments

Clic on the right instrument

Clic on the right instrument

Clic on the right instrument

Clic on the right instrument

Clic on the right instrument

Clic and learn the actions

Can Pete climb trees?

Can Gus climb trees?

Can Octopus juggle?

Can Gus juggle?

Can Squirrel climb?

Can Pete play the drums?

Can Pete play the piano?

Can Pete play the guitar?

Can Octupus play the piano?

Can Gus play the piano?

Can Gus play the drums?

Can Squirrel play the tambourine?

Can Squirrel play the drums?

Can alligator play the saxo?

Can alligator play the drums?

Can Grumpy toad play the guitar?

Drag the correct instrument

Drag the correct instrument

Drag the correct instrument

Drag the correct instrument

Drag the correct instrument

Drag the correct instrument

Next year more!

Hasta el final


Pulsa este audio de ejemplo para comprobar tus ajustes. Puedes modificar el volumen mientras se reproduce.







Solo funciona en modo visualización o previsualización

Copia el texto generado en este cuadro e insértalo en la página deseada (Insertar - </> Otro).Luego, agrúpalo con el elemento que quieras que reproduzca el sonido al ser pulsado, al pasar el ratón por encima o al hacerse visible en caso de elegir feedback. Déjalo sin agrupar si eliges la opción autoplay.

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