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a Mysterious Murder in London



Once upon a time there was a rich man in London. Somebody killed this rich man at his house on a rainy day. So, the policeman and the Inspector George Brown came to that house. They started an investigation to find the murderer. At first, they understood that someone at home killed the rich man. There were four people at home when the man was killed. So, they asked some questions to the people one by one. Finally Inspector Brown thought about the evidence and he easily found the murderer. Your Mission : Discover the murderer

sally West his wife

Amelia the cook

John the gardener

Billy West his son

William West the victim


7 - the garden

2 - Mr West's bedroom

1 - the bathroom

6 - Billy's bedroom

5 - the living-room

· 4 - the kitchen

3 - Mrs West's bedroom



Mission 4

Mission 3

Mission 2

a Mysterious Murder in London

Mission 1




Misión 3

Misión 2

Misión 4

the bedroom

the garden

the living-room

the kitchen

the bathroom

Where was Sally West ?

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

the bedroom

the garden

the living-room

the kitchen

the bathroom

Where was Amelia?

Correct answer ! Well Done!

Wrong answer Try again

the bedroom

the garden

the living-room

the kitchen

the bathroom

Where was Billy?

Correct answer ! Well Done!

Wrong answer Try again

the bedroom

the garden

the living-room

the kitchen

the bathroom

Where was John?

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

Discover the first number



Misión 4

Misión 3

Mission 2


5 - She was reading a book in the kitchen.

4 - She was watering the flowers in the garden .

3 - She was sleeping in the kitchen.

2 - She was having a shower in the bathroom.

1 - She was drinking coffee in the living-room.

What was Amelia doing when Mr West was killed ??

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

5 - She was reading a book in the kitchen.

4 - She was watering the flowers in the garden .

3 - She was sleeping in the kitchen.

2 - She was having a shower in the bathroom.

1 - She was drinking coffee in the living-room.

What was Mrs West doing when Mr West was killed ?

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

5 - He was listening to music in his room.

4 - He was watering the flowers in the garden .

3 - He was sleeping in the kitchen.

2 - He was having a shower in the bathroom.

1 - He was drinking coffee in the living-room.

What was Billy doing when Mr West was killed ?

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

5 - He was listening to music in his room.

4 - He was watering the flowers in the garden .

3 - He was sleeping in the kitchen.

2 - He was having a shower in the bathroom.

1 - He was drinking coffee in the living-room.

What was John doing when Mr West was killed ?

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

Discover the second number



Misión 4

Mission 3

Misión 2




Mrs West wanted a cup of milk.

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!



Amelia was sleeping in the bedroom.

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!



Billy got angry when he killed his father.

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!



Amelia gave the cup of coffee but she didn't return to the kitchen.

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!



Billy was reading the newspaper in the living-room.

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!



John was watering the flowers.

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!



Amelia didn't see anything suspicious.

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!



Mr West, the victim, didn't like the flowers in his garden.

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

Discover the third number



Mission 4

Misión 3

Misión 2


4 - an investigator

3 - a murderer

2 - a gardener

1 - a cook

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Correct answer ! Well Done!

4 - a gardener

3 - a cook

2 - a murderer

1 - a killer

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

4 - a rope

3 - a fingerprint

2 - a hand

1 - a footprint

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

4 - a victim

3 - a detective

2 - a gardener

1 - a murderer

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

4 - (to) water

3 - (to) kill

2 - (to) steal

1 - (to) rain

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

Find the right translation


4 - coupable

3 - preuve

2 - un mobile

1 - évident

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

Find the right translation

(to) steal

4 - voler

3 - poignarder

2 - arroser

1 - tuer

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

Who killed Mr West ?

The murderer is.....

4 - John

3 - Mrs West

2 - Amelia

1 - Billy

Wrong answer Try again

Correct answer ! Well Done!

How did Inspector Brown find the killer ? Inspector Brown discovered that :

3 - John lied about his alibi because he said he was watering the flowers on a rainy day.

2 - John was in love with Mrs West and he wanted to marry her.

1 - John was Mr West's adopted son and he wanted to inherit his money.

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Correct answer ! Well Done!

Discover the fourth number

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