Full screen


Focus more on details
Focus less on details
Use few patterns and neutral colors in clothing
Use patterns and bright colors in clothing
Express more emotion
Express less emotion
Pincha aquí para pintar >
La solución aparecerá en 3 minutos
Speak at faster rate
Speak at slower rate
Commonly display items simbolizing achievement
Commonly display personal objects in the workplace
Select if the behaviors on the right are more identifiable in men or women.
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Focus more on details

Focus less on details

Use few patterns and neutral colors in clothing

Use patterns and bright colors in clothing

Express more emotion

Express less emotion

Pincha aquí para pintar >

La solución aparecerá en 3 minutos

  • Word 1 - Behaviors 2, 3, 5, 8, 9
  • Word 2 - Behaviors 1, 4, 6, 7, 10

Speak at faster rate

Speak at slower rate

Commonly display items simbolizing achievement

Commonly display personal objects in the workplace


Select if the behaviors on the right are more identifiable in men or women.

