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A fun escape room! Find the principal while practicing different sentence and grammatical structures.

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Where is the Principal???

Escape Roomcreated by Batya Mirsky

What is your first name?

Did he quit?

Did he go on vacation?

We came to school and he wasn't there!

We don't know where he is.

Maybe he was kidnapped!


Principal Pine, also known as The Big P. is missing!

I think those doodles are important.

If you do find the Principal's notes, check the top right corner. He likes to doodle and draw.

Maybe he left some clues for us.

Everybody knows Principal Pine likes to use notes.

Let's try and find him.

Don't forget a capital letter and a period.

Then answer the questions.Use full sentences.

The Principal's Office

Look at the room, carefully. You have 20 seconds.



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Good luck!

Full sentences!

If you click the camera, you can see the picture again. But, you will have to start the task over.

You have to be accurate!

There are three trophies.

There are four cupboard doors.

There is one window.

There are two chairs.

How many trophies are there?

How many cupboard doors are there?

How many windows are there?

How many chairs are there?

Click to smooth out the note.

But you did find a clue!

There is a piece of crumpled paper on his desk.

The principal wasn't in the office, §name§.

Where did the principal go?

The Big P!

Maybe I'll take a break and play some basketball.

All the students go ome at 3.30 and I have to stay and work.

I am sooooo tired of working.

Staff Room



Where do you think the principal went?



Nope!That's not it!

Then complete the sentences.Afterwards, you can read the note from the principal, Mr. P.

The SchoolGym*

Look at the gym, carefully. Click the balls to move them. When you find the note from Mr. P., click it.

are playing

is jumping

are wearing

is bouncing

are having

All the children fun.

Billy the ball.

Word bankbouncehavewearplayjump

Ben and Kevin green uniforms.

Tommy in the air.

Choose the right word from the word bank to complete the sentence. Then write it in Present Progressive.

The children basketball.

Well done, §name§!

But you did find another crumpled note!

Click to smooth out the piece of paper.

The principal wasn't in the Gym.

Oh No! The ink!I can't read that last line!


teachers lounge



teachers lounge



Where did the principal go?

The Big P.

I know!!! I'll go to the

But now I'm hungry. Where can I find some food?

That was a nice basketball game.


Staff Room



Where do you think the principal went?



Nope!That's not it!

Then answer the questions.If you are wrong or need to go back and look at the picture, you will have to start over.

The StaffRoom

Look at the Staff Room, carefully. You will have 20 seconds.





Good luck!

Staff Room

Question 1/5




How many papers are there on the table?

Staff Room

Where is the toaster?

Question 2/5

between the microwave and the mugs

between the microwave and the hot-water kettle

between the microwave andthe pot

Staff Room

Each teacher is holding a coffee mug. What color is the woman's mug?

Question 3/5




Staff Room

Twelve o'clock

What time is the clock showing?

Question 4/5

Twelve thirty-five

Eleven twenty-five

Staff Room


How many handles did you see in the kitchen?

Question 5/5




try again!


Well done, §name§!

But you did find another note on one of the lounge chairs!

Click to smooth out the crumpled paper.

It's true. The principal wasn't in the Staff Room.

Where did the principal go?

The Big P.

Those fruit and that sandwich were very good! After the basketball ga e and lunch, I was tired. Maybe I'll take a nap. Do you know which room is the quietest room in school?

Art Room


Staff Room


Where do you think the principal went?



Nope!That's not it!

There are a lot of books on the tables. Try to move them and find Mr. P's note. Click it.Then, fill-in the blanks. Drag the words to the correct place.

The Library

Look at the library, carefully. Mr. P. isn't there anymore. Maybe he left another note as a clue.










Mr. P was reading a book when he fell asleep. Some of the words are missing. Drag the words to the correct place.

The woman . "We were going to dinner in front of the TV, but the electricity out. We to order pizza. We were the pizza place when we the shot! It was so scary."

The woman was scared and she stuttered when she . "I-I-I was a movie. Y-y-you can ask my husband. He w-w-was with me."

The policeman carefully at the woman. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Well done, §name§!

But you did find the note under the books.

Click to smooth out the piece of paper.

Mr. P. wasn't in the Library, either.

Where did the principal go?

The Big P.

I started reading a book and I fell asleep. The book I was reading was really interesting. It was about a spy who used some chemicals to mak his letters invisible. I'd like to try that.

Music Room

Art Room



Where do you think the principal went?



Nope!That's not it!

Use the magnifying glass to find the different notes. When you find Mr. P's crumpled clue,leave the magnifying glass on the doorand click the note. Then write the sentences according to the directions.

The Lab

Look at the lab, carefully.

Don't forget a capital letter and a period!


India isn't a small country.

India is not a small country.

India (a small country).

Elephants are big animals.

Elephants (big animals)


Before you read the last clue, I need some help. Write the sentences so they are true.

Write full and correct sentences.

Vegetables are healthy.

The sun is hot.|The sun's hot.

Airplanes are not slow.|Airplanes aren't slow.

I am a student.|I'm a student.

A mouse is not a big animal.|A mouse's not a big animal.|A mouse isn't a big animal.

New York is not a country.|New York's not a country.|New York isn't a country.

Vegetables (healthy)

The sun (hot)

Airplanes (slow)

I (a student)

A mouse (big animal)

New York (country)

I hope we can understand what he's trying to tell us.

I can't read some of the words. And there's Mr. P's code!!!

Some chemicals spilled onto Mr. P's note.

Something happened in the lab!

Oh no, §name§!!!

Where did Mr. P. go?

T Big P.

I tri d t r ad t s c istry n t s. I r ally did! But I didn't und rstand t . I t ink I ad n ug f r t day. I' tir d and I want t l av .I t ink I will! I will g !

The Big P. just went home and fell asleep.

Principal Pine didn't go on vacation. He didn't quit his job. He wasn't even kidnapped.

You did it! You found the clues and you broke the code!


It's a new day! I wonder where Mr. P. will go today...

Happens to the best of us.

Mr. P's alarm clock didn't wake him up and he overslept.

Thank you

Maya Dea'eeWithout your brilliant input, this escape room would havelooked very differently.Thank you, and thank you for your friendship.

I hope you liked and enjoyed this escape room!