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All starts in a family.


What are those things that family institute is based on?

All starts in a family. The family is one of the most significant and vital parts of our lives. It is also very important as a unit in any society. The family is an emotional centre of people’s lives, a transmitter of culture, traditions, moral values and principles of life.

Understanding between all members of the family, a strong sense of responsibility and consideration for others are a foundation of healthy family relationships. To make a family strong and happy family members should support each other, be interested in each other’s activities and daily affairs, share joys and sorrows with each other and when problems occur family members should always be there for their nearest and dearest in order to make them feel secure and confident.

Spending a lot of quality time together is also an essential part of making a family strong and close-knit. There are a lot of activities that family members can do together: watching family movies together, playing board games, discussing plans together, going on trips together, visiting museums, theatres and exhibitions and exchanging opinions about them.

The reality of our modern world shows that nowadays the role and status of the husband and wife has changed greatly. Earlier the man was the main breadwinner in a family; his duty was to earn money in order to support the physical needs of his family. The women’s place was mostly at home, giving birth to children, bringing them up, caring for the family and creating a warm and cosy atmosphere at home. But nowadays there is a tendency for modern women to aim at becoming equal partners in marriage; they are becoming more and more active in business, politics, etc. spending less time on household duties and their families. As a result, such partnership in marriage can lead to late parenthood (especially if making a career is one of their top priorities), it can be a reason why the number of children in modern families decreases to one and it can also be a reason why modern marriages sometimes end in divorce.