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Chicoon are a closed species owned and run by Buzz Aesthetic

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Chicoon do not have great eyesight and primarily use their sense of smell to look for roots and fruit! Similar to how humans say "the eyes are a window to the soul, a chicoons eyes most commonly match their flame color! They seem large compared to their rectangular head shape. Their pupils have a similar dilate to a feline, slitting and widening in darkness and light

Chicoon use their nose to do most of the hunting! they have a wonderful sense of smell. The nose has soft, damp texture and is very similar in appearance to a cow's nose!

The wings are movable and rotatable, however do not seem to work as appendages for flight. They are a prime key to understanding emotional cues and body language. A chicoon without wings seems to slack in communication to the rest of their group and often take longer to portray their emotions and thoughts.

Chicoon ears are always limp, Similar to a lop-earred rabbit Chicoon don't have the supporting muscles or bone structure to be able to have ears that and perk up or move on their own. They use their wings for emotes instead! Chicoon do have good hearing, although not as good as many other species.

Chicoon are herbivores! they mostly eat root vegetables, nuts, and fruit, their main diet consists of very sugary foods, they have the ability to eat just about any type of plants though- including your house plants! eating grains and legumes have never had a bad effect on the species' diet. They cannot nor will try to eat meat, they dont seem to like the metallic flavor, even if it is spiced up with a variety of vegetables. Vegetable patties that were made to taste like meat (ie vegan patties) will not cause dietary issues however the species will naturally be against eating it.

Chicoon ears are always limp, Similar to a lop-earred rabbit Chicoon don't have the supporting muscles or bone structure to be able to have ears that and perk up or move on their own. They use their wings for emotes instead! Chicoon do have good hearing, although not as good as many other species.

A chicoons neck is long and flexible, its easily compared to many long-necked bird species rather than a giraffe. Despite its fragile appearance it is very study and one of the strongest parts of a chicoon! Chicoons do have a danger of suffocating if something is lodge in their throat, and young chicoons have had survivability issues from suffocation if they were to get caught by a predator or lodged in a tough place

The chicoons mouth seems perfectly made for carrying multiple tree-fruit at a time, its wide with a lot of cheek room. most chicoons mouths are decorated with two "fangs" which are great for puncturing peels and skins of fruit to get to the juice interior! the "fangs" have also been known for defense!

Chicoon are known to be a very social species, they make friends with as many different creatures as they can! Chicoon has a wonderful ability to pick up on communication almost instantly although chicoon lack the ability to mimic they don't have issues communicating with their friends.

The tail of a chicoon is prehensile and strong! It can be used to lift, push, or move some heavy objects, as well as grip tree branches for balance or casual hanging. Chicoon tails have match the strength of a boa constrictor and is capable of exerting 6-12 lbs per square inch of pressure. Chicoon can be found sleeping upsideown from branches on occasion. The tail controls the flame, the flame cant move on its own and generally floats around the end of the tail

The tail of a chicoon is prehensile and strong! It can be used to lift, push, or move some heavy objects, as well as grip tree branches for balance or casual hanging. Chicoon tails have match the strength of a boa constrictor and is capable of exerting 6-12 lbs per square inch of pressure. Chicoon can be found sleeping upsideown from branches on occasion. The tail controls the flame, the flame cant move on its own and generally floats around the end of the tail

The tail of a chicoon is prehensile and strong! It can be used to lift, push, or move some heavy objects, as well as grip tree branches for balance or casual hanging. Chicoon tails have match the strength of a boa constrictor and is capable of exerting 6-12 lbs per square inch of pressure. Chicoon can be found sleeping upsideown from branches on occasion. The tail controls the flame, the flame cant move on its own and generally floats around the end of the tail

The tail of a chicoon is prehensile and strong! It can be used to lift, push, or move some heavy objects, as well as grip tree branches for balance or casual hanging. Chicoon tails have match the strength of a boa constrictor and is capable of exerting 6-12 lbs per square inch of pressure. Chicoon can be found sleeping upsideown from branches on occasion. The tail controls the flame, the flame cant move on its own and generally floats around the end of the tail

The tail of a chicoon is prehensile and strong! It can be used to lift, push, or move some heavy objects, as well as grip tree branches for balance or casual hanging. Chicoon tails have match the strength of a boa constrictor and is capable of exerting 6-12 lbs per square inch of pressure. Chicoon can be found sleeping upsideown from branches on occasion. The tail controls the flame, the flame cant move on its own and generally floats around the end of the tail

The unique features of each Chicoons seem to share a relationship with the number of stripes on their tail. Most commonly you will see Chicoons with many stripes, most often 4 or more. While the stripes can come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, it still proves to be one of the key defining features to rarity! The chicoon in this image has a rare trait and because of that he has 0 stripes.

The tail of a chicoon is prehensile and strong! It can be used to lift, push, or move some heavy objects, as well as grip tree branches for balance or casual hanging. Chicoon tails have match the strength of a boa constrictor and is capable of exerting 6-12 lbs per square inch of pressure. Chicoon can be found sleeping upsideown from branches on occasion. The tail controls the flame, the flame cant move on its own and generally floats around the end of the tail

a chicoons tail tuft is great at swatting away pests or people trying to grab their food

a chicoons tail tuft is great at swatting away pests or people trying to grab their food

Chicoon are on average 3ft10inches, however can range between 3'6" and 4'6". their neck makes up a foot of their height

most common chicoon have retractable claws similar to cats! these claws are great for defense and climbing!

Chicoon are very fast and can run up to 35 miles per hour if they're physically fit!

Chicoon are very fast and can run up to 35 miles per hour if they're physically fit!

a chicoons pawpads are large and soft, they are very grippy are great at sticking to most surfaces when the chicoon wants to!

a chicoons pawpads are large and soft, they are very grippy are great at sticking to most surfaces when the chicoon wants to!

chicoons dont have much saliva to begin with, and what they do have is very sticky for grabbing stuff. but in general a chicoons mouth is rather dry.The Chicoons tongue is very stretchy, like a yoshi! however it is too long to fit in the chicoons mouth so chicoons naturally have a resting tongue that curles around itself, and when a chicoon wants to grab a fruit out of a nearby tree? they just shoot it out like a spring and yum! fruit!

a gift from the light goddess. chicoon spirit flames are the embodiment of the chicoons soul- it goes out or weakens as the chicoon gets sick or dies.Putting your hand near the flame can cause uncomfort to the chicoon, the chicoon will shy away from the hand and take the flame with them. Two chicoons merging flames is similar to proposal and betrothal and is normally only done in intimate situations, or public relationship events (like a chicoon marriage). The flame can not normally light things on fire, however chicoons have a hidden ability to be able to use the fire as they wish, but using this ability is difficult and takes many years of practice. Young chicoons will never 'accidentally' set things on fire. The flame floats neat the end of the tail, and is moved with the tail tip!

Chicoons have a variety of personal traits and defining features so no two chicoons are ever alike; however it seems generally chicoons seem to have an excited, curious personality. Even the most grumpy of chicoons are curious to a large extent!

Chicoons, being a type of dragon, are oviparous; meaning they lay eggs and care for the eggs until they are ready to hatch. Once the Chicoon egg hatches it is fully able to survive on its own outside of learning some hunting techniques and taught abilities, however they are fragile small things and generally stick around their parents & their birth-pack until they think they can survive on their own. From what we know, there is no physical difference between two parent chicoons, one parent decides to host the eggs, and after a while, the eggs are laid and the parents start caring for their unhatched children.

It seems their fur is naturally medium-short length, growing longer along the tail. The fur of the species are not hairs, but rather slender down feathers, narrow enough to brush through with, but strong enough to block out water or unwanted pests. The head of the species seems to be the only commonplace feathers form, and mostly on their winged appendages.

All four limbs have opposable thumbs and are uniquely flexible! The underside of every hand is bare and tacky to the touch, almost sticky, but not quite. All thumbs can flex about as wide as a lemur's. Their flexible hands and long tails make them great climbers!

All four limbs have opposable thumbs and are uniquely flexible! The underside of every hand is bare and tacky to the touch, almost sticky, but not quite. All thumbs can flex about as wide as a lemur's. Their flexible hands and long tails make them great climbers!

If you happen to stumble upon a Chicoon telling stories to their children, you might watch as the Chicoon draws in the dirt describing a world from the past where Chicoon had magic powers that was reflected in their tail. The past Chicoon would be visited by a wonderful rainbow goddess of light, who would share a little bit of her power with the Chicoon of the land through the light of a full moon. Over time, Chicoon began to worship the full moon instead of her, when she tried to remind the Chicoon that it was in fact her who gave them the powers, the Chicoon of the era didn't believe her. During the next full moon, The goddess didn't show up, and the moon still shared its power with the Chicoon- but the strength of the powers were dull and short. as the Chicoon celebrated and partied the powers they had been using in showmanship and festivity quickly dwindled into nothing. Chicoon were left with no powers, no Goddess, and a reminder of their mistake every month on a full moon. Blood moons are believed to be the continued anger from the goddess, and Blue moons are the loneliness and sadness from the goddess.