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Odpowiedz na pytania i sprawdź ile wiesz o Adamie Mickiewiczu
Adam Mickieiwcz's factfiles
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Odpowiedz na pytania i sprawdź ile wiesz o Adamie Mickiewiczu

Adam Mickieiwcz's factfiles


He was born

He got married

He died

What happened on 24th December 1798?

QUESTION 1 of 11

his brother

his father

his son

Who was Mikołaj Mickiewicz?

QUESTION 2 of 11

A place where he died

A place where he wrote "Pan Tadeusz"

A place of his childchood

What is Nowogródek?

QUESTION 3 of 11

Love of his life

His mother

His wife

Who was Maryla Wereszczakówna?

QUESTION 4 of 11

A doctor

A teacher

An accountant

What was his job?

QUESTION 5 of 11

He arrived to Spain

He published "Pan Tadeusz"

He died

What happened in Paris in 1834?

QUESTION 6 of 11

In Paris

In Nowogródek

In Istambul

Where did he die?

QUESTION 7 of 11

His wife

His mother

His daughter

Who was Cecylia Szymanowska?

QUESTION 8 of 11

How many children did he have?

QUESTION 9 of 11

on 26th November 1855

on 22nd August 1834

on 4th July 1890

When did he died?

QUESTION 10 of 11

"Pan Tadeusz", "Oda do młodości"

"Romantyczność","Żona modna"

"Dziady", "Balladyna"

What did he write?

QUESTION 11 of 11
