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They are those that, despite having received some treatment, do not have artificial ingredients. For example, certain dairy products, gazpacho, or frozen vegetables fall into this group. They are foods that are still healthy and that we can consume without any problem.

Some examples are: whole wheat bread, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, vegetables and packaged fruit.

We can identify it by scanning the barcode with the MyRealFood application. If it comes out green it is a good processor.

Benefits: there is a greater variety of foods, they are preserved for longer time, waste is reduced since being able to freeze it reduces food waste, there are fewer deficiencies and they also give more wisdom and practicality since can be made faster.Prejucices: Some of the prejudices are that consuming a large amount of processed foods increases the risk of illness with food. Although they are well processed, they are bad if eaten excessively since they contain a large amount of sugar, salt and calories.

They are called like that because they are foods that are manipulated but are still healthy for us


María López CámaraAntonio Castro OrtegaJavier Delgado CastilloAlejandro Jimenez BuenoAlfonso Ruiz María del Pilar Gata

HEALTHY LUNCH: First course: Vegetable salad 201 Kcal and it is made with: Lettuce. Tomato. Onion. Red cabbage. Cucumbers Walnuts. Tuna. Second course: Pasta with artichoke and cottage cheese 430 Kcal and is made with: Thick pasta Artichokes Curd. Garlic cloves. White wine. 1 tbsp of lemon thyme. 1 lemon (its skin). Extra virgin olive oil. Freshly ground black pepper Salt. Dessert: Fruit of the season 50 Kcal.