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f. Technical Conference Method

e. Diary and Log method

d. Supervisors

c. Job Review Commitee

b. Experts

a. Employees

3. Soures of Informtion for Job Analysis

d. Checklist Method

b. Questionnaire Method

a. Observation Method

2. Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information

c. Job Evaluation

b. Job Speification

a. Job Description

c. Interview Method

1. Purpose of Job Analysis


Purpose of Job Analysis

>Job Description>Job Specification >Job Evalution

1. Job title 2. Job summary3. Job duties and responsibilities 4. Reltion to other jobs 5. Supervision 6. Machine,tools and equipment 7. Working conditions 7. Hazards

Components or Contents of JD


Job description is an organized and fact based statement which defines the scope, responsibilities and positioning of a specific job in the organization. It tells what is to be done, how it is done and why.

  • It is not the perfect reflection of the job
  • It may be too inflexible in rapidly-changing organiation
  • Jobs tend to be dynamic and a JD can quickly go out of date
  • Useful in planning recruitment, planning and training people with required skills
  • Job evaluation
  • Promotions and transfers
  • Job evaluation

Limitations of Job Description

Uses of Job Desccription

1. Education 2. Training3. Initiative 4. Experience 5. Judgement 6. Physical effort 7. Physical skills 8. Responsibilities 9.Communication skills 10. Emotional characteristics

Job specification items


A JS is a statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job properly. The JS takes the JD and answers the questions "what human traits and experiences are needed to do the job well?" It tells what kind of person to hire and for what qualities that person should be tested.

The information to be included in job specifications differ according to the nature of an organization and the uses. However, items like age, sex, education, and peronality are necessarily included in job specifications.

Components or contents of JS

  • Physical Charateristics
  • Psychological Characteristics
  • Personal Characteristics
  • Others features

1. The wage differentials are rationally and systemetically established. 2. It i acceptable to management as well as employees. 3. Any disputes resulting to wages can be easily settled by refering it to the job evaluation committee. 4. It helps in bringing uniformity in wage structure. 5.It helps in job classification and work simplification.

Objective of Job evaluation


Job evaluation is an orderly and systematic process of determing the wages for the job according to its value. It aims at fixing fair and equitable wage rate. Its main objective is to get consistency in wage structure.

Disadvantages of Job Evaluation

1. Job ealuation cannot be scientific-though it is claimed to be so because it is basedon judgement. 2. Factors applied in it usually overlap. Thus, values given to them and their reliability becomes questionable. 3. Wages are differentiable in case of highly specified jobs because of competiton with other firms. 4. It introduces inflexibility in wage structure. The demand and supply of labour is responsible for wage differentials to a great extent. 5. Its usefulness is restricted only to big concerns because its installation requires time and money.

Questionnaire Method

Checklist Method

Technical Conference Method

Diary and Log Method

Interview Method

Observation Method

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information

Questionnaire (survey) Method

  • In this method, the employee is given structured questionnaire to fill in, which are then returned to supervisors.
  • Questionnaire provides comprehensive information about the job.
  • When is this suitable?
>Firstly, large nuber of peoples are doing some kind of job.

Observation Method

Under this method, data is collected through observing an employee while at work. The Jon analyst on the basis of observation carefully records What the worker does, how he/she does the job and how much time is needed for completion of a given task. This is the most reliable method of seeking first hand information relating to a job.

  • In this method, the analyst directly interviews the job holder through structuredinterview to gain information about the job.
  • This method is found suitable particularly for jobs wherein direct observation is not feasible.
  • This method is time consuming and costly.
  • In short, the effectiveness of this method will depend on the ability of both interviewer and respondent in asing questions and responding them respectively.

Interview Method

>Second, job are standardized and structured survey can be created to ask questiones related to the job.

  • The biggest benefit is that the data collected can be quantified and statistical analysis can be used to collect the data.
  • At the same time, nobody fill it seriously so data may be completely irrelevant.

Checklist Method

In this method, some reliable and valid tests are performed on the basis of evential qualities and abilities. The candidates are tested for selection and suitability on the basis of these tests.

  • The check list only consists dichotomous question (yes/no)
  • The job holder is asked to tick the questions that are related to his/her job.
  • Checklist can be prepared on the basis of job information obtained from supervisors and other people who are familiar with particular job.
  • It is suitable for big organization but costly method.

  • In this method, a conference is organized for the supervisor who poses extensive knowledge about job.
  • They delibrate on various aspects of the job. The job analyst obtain job information fro the discussion held among these expert.
  • This method consume less amount of time.
  • However it takes accuracy as the actual job holders are not involved in collecting job information.

Technical Conference Method

Diary and Log Method

  • In this method, the job holder is asked to maintain a diaryb recording in detail about the job related activities of each day.
  • This is quite time consuming.
  • It does not give desirable data on supervisor relationship and working environment.
  • Most accurate method and less costly than others.
  • Extra burden to the employees.

Sources of Information for Job Analysis

Sources of information for job analysis

  • Employees
  • Independent Experts
  • Job Review Committee
  • Supervisors
  • Other Sources


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