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Progetto in corsoErasmus + KA 229 "Die Geheimnisse der Heilpflanzen" (I segreti delle piante officinali)

Programma dell’Unione europea nei settori dell’Istruzione, della Formazione, della Gioventù e dello Sport, per il periodo 2021-2027

Un progetto che completa"Die wunderbare Natur" (La meravigliosa natura), il percorso dell'anno scorso, che aveva come oggetto di studio la flora e la fauna endemica ed invasiva dei parchi e riserve naturali dei paesi partner

A novembre si è tenuta la prima mobilitàLa seconda si terrà a marzo


Ungheria, Italia, Turchia

3 paesi coinvolti

Virtual teaching in Mexico According to a study by Norma Maldonado of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), virtual education in Mexico is intrinsically linked to university education and, within it, especially to postgraduates. Virtual teaching was adopted in the decade of the 90s as a complement and option in addition to the classroom model. Institutions such as ITESM, UNAM and Virtual UR, among others, stand out. These universities have in common a national scope and, through virtual education, a relationship with other countries.

Virtual Teaching in Colombia In Colombia, virtual education is more related to the history of distance education for people living far from urban education centers. Thus, radio Sutatenza, in the late 40s, was the means by which many people in the countryside were educated. Over time that model began using technological tools and more people from different contexts began to join this learning dynamic. But it is not until the entrance of the second millennium, with the increase of computers and the Internet in a greater number of the population, that virtual teaching really began. The first steps were taken in a semi-classroom b-learning or mixed teaching model.

Virtual Teaching in Spain In Spain, virtual education is also linked to distance rducation. In fact, virtual education is said to be part of the third generation of distance education, after correspondence and radio and television education. The penetration of informatics occurred earlier in Spain than in Latin America, already in the 80s. First with the Computer Aided Education programs and then with the idea of virtual campus or virtual learning and teaching environments, which is only the complete space for a course whether college or not, via the Internet

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