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by Grace Gaunt and Langley Esterle

Hannibal Barca and Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Hannibal Barca


Hannibals life:

-Hannibal was born in 247 BC to an upper class family-"Barca" was a nickname given to his father and passed down to him meaning "thunderbolt" -His father fought in the first Punic War and taught his son many of his military tactics he utilized -Hannibal also had two younger brothers who both became his lieutenants during the war -There is a commonly told story that Hannibal pledged his hatred toward Rome at a very young age

2. motivation

3. intellegence and insight

1. military tactics and strategey

So what made him so succesful?


Other notable success factors

- Hannibal used his resources very well- He is famously recognized for his use of in battle - Was well educated both in the ways of war but also traditional education - Often went the extra mile to secure success in battle -Had a big influence in both Rome and Carthage -Seriously just hated Rome THAT MUCH

183 BC- Hannibal kills himself

Sometime between 190-189 BC- Hannibal and Scipio meet at Ephesus

202 BC- Hannibal is defeated by Scipio at the battle of Zama- 2nd Punic War ends

216 BC- Hannibal defeats Rome at the battle of Cannae

221- Hannibal takes command of Carthage's armies

219 BC- Hannibal attacks Saguntum and starts the 2nd Punic War

247 BC- Hannibal is born

Life Timeline

Other Art

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Scipio Africanus

  • born in Rome in around 235 BC
  • born to an upper class family and Etruscan descent from his father, Publius Cornelius Scipio
  • one of his first battles was the battle of Cannae where he experienced the brilliance of Hannibal's strategy in fighting
  • his father took him and his brother to the Spanish territories because his father wanted them away from Hannibal
  • at the battle of Baetis Valley, his father and brother were killed and he returned to Rome


When the second Punic War started the senate needed someone to send against Hasdrubal. Scipio volunteered (like a GIRLBOSS) to do it since no one else wanted to and all saw the mission as a death sentence.

Once the war had started

  • he took action to the mission as soon as he landed in Spain
  • Scipio used Hanibal's strategies against Hasdrubal's forces
  • back in Rome, Scipio's enemies wanted to harass him
  • tore up account books so that no charges could be brought against him
  • was elected to consul in 205 BC; his great grandfather, grandfather, and father were all part of the consul

The end of the war and after

  • the 2nd punic war was ended by the Carthiginians declaring peace
  • awarded the title "Africanus"
  • he trained his own army with Hannibal's tactics and defeated the Carthiginian commanders
  • became head of the senate
  • died in 183 BC and wrote a death note saying that he wanted to be buried by his estate

Armstrong, Richard. “No. 2999: Hannibal's Grand Strategy.” No. 2999: Hannibal's Grand Strategy, https://www.uh.edu/engines/epi2999.htm. Biography.com Editors. “Scipio Africanus.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 25 May 2021, https://www.biography.com/military-figure/scipio-africanus. Culican, William. “Hannibal.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., https://www.britannica.com/biography/Hannibal-Carthaginian-general-247-183-BC. History.com Editors. “Hannibal.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 9 Nov. 2009, https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/hannibal. Mark, Joshua J. “Scipio Africanus the Elder.” World History Encyclopedia, World History Encyclopedia, 14 Dec. 2021, https://www.worldhistory.org/Scipio_Africanus_the_Elder/. Mulligan, Bret. “Hannibal (247–183 BC).” Hannibal (247–183 BC) | Dickinson College Commentaries, https://dcc.dickinson.edu/nepos-hannibal/Hannibal. “Scipio Africanus.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., https://www.britannica.com/print/article/529046. “Second Punic War Timeline.” World History Encyclopedia, https://www.worldhistory.org/timeline/Second_Punic_War/.

Works Cited


- Rome's most powerful enemy- very advanced at the time - the best match against Rome- tensions had been growing years before even the first war



Hannibals Elephants

- One of Hannibals famous tactics was using carthages special weapon: elephants- These elephants were fed figs and alchohol to upset and irratate them so they were more likely to violently charge against and trample the enemy