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May 18, 2020

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  • When greeting a married couple,the wife should be greeted first , except on a formal occasion where the hosts should first be greeted by the spouse to whom the invitation was addressed
  • Children are greeted by shaking hands too. Embracing people when greeting them is rare in Finland. A man greeting someone in the street should raise his hat; in the cold of winter, a touch of the hand to the brim of the hat is enough.
  • When meetings, Finns shake hands and make eye contact. A Finnsh handshake is brief and firm,and involves no supporting gesture.


  • Allow an hour or two after business meals for potential conversation. Regardless of gender, the person who gives the invitation pays.
  • Continental style dining (not switching fork hands) is normal. Keep hands in sight. You can rest your wrists on the edge of the table (not your elbows).


  • Business is happily discussed at lunch. However, business is not discussed over dinner. If business comes up at all, it will be after the meal. Allow your host to prompt any business discussion.
  • To show that you are finished eating, place utensils across your plate. The tines should be faced down. The handles should be at 3 o’clock. The eating side should be at 9 o’clock.
  • Meals are often finished with coffee, cognac, and/or dessert. It is rude to leave before this course is finished.
  • Do not eat with your hands unless it is shrimp or bread. Even fruit and fries are eaten with utensils.
  • Passing the salt and pepper means putting the shakers within reach, not in someone’s hand.
  • Always accept offers for second helpings and finish everything on your plate to avoid wastefulness.
  • Gifts are normally not exchanged in business meetings, but small gifts may be appropriate at the successful conclusion of negotiations. Give: books, cognac, local/national gifts, recordings, art, glass, liquor (very expensive in Finland).
  • Offer to help with pre-meal preparations and post-meal clearing and cleaning.Say thank you before leaving the table.
  • Offer to bring a dish ahead of time. Bring a small gift for the host.
  • Remove your outdoor shoes before entering the home.
  • If invited to someone’s home, you can bring wine, chocolates, or flowers for the host. Avoid white or yellow flowers, which are funerary colors. Choose an odd number of flowers for the bouquet, avoiding 7 or 13. Do not bring a potted plant.


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