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Problématique: How are debates and speeches a form of art ?
Theme : Art and Debate
The art of Speech
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The art of Speech

Theme : Art and Debate

Problématique: How are debates and speeches a form of art ?

I - Debating : when talking is winning

Read the scenes and answer the questions on the next page

a. Pick out elements that show the conversations are confrontational ( repetitions, negative words)

b. Analyze the effects produced on the reader by the figures of speech (metaphors...)

c. Focys on the rhymes and alliterations and count the feet (syllables) in each line. What effect is conveyed

Title 2

  • Separate the strategies in a two-column chart (before the debate / during the debate)
  • List the tips given to weaken your opponent
  • Choose three tips and write in your words why they are the best.

II - The art of rhetoric

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