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  • Researching scientific studies on obesity. Made sure to look for the stats on obesity.
44%   Age 20-39
36%   60+
19%   Children
20%    Teens
40%    40-59
Age 40-59
Age 20-39
Age 60+
Age 40-5940%
Age 20-3944%
Age 60+36%
Chart data table
Obesity has a wide range of consequences, including mental health issues, health issues, disorders, and etc. This other effect is that others will discriminate you. Society has contributed to the prevention and treatment of these effects by educating people about nutrition and including nutrition and calorie content on consumer items as well as menus in restaurants and fast food establishments. Despite the fact that the majority of obese people become obese as a result of poor eating habits and a lack of physical activity, some people are more prone to obesity due to genetics.
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Heart diseases
  • Respritory issues
  • High blood pressure
  • Strokes
This research effort aims to provide knowledge on the effects of obesity in order to help educate and avoid this health problem in communities all over the world. Because adults are more active than teenagers and children, obesity rates are higher in adults. These rates have been documented in scientific investigations in the past and in the present. When it comes to obesity, there are numerous consequences. The first is mental health, which plays a part in anxiety and depression. Second, conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems, strokes, and high blood pressure. Then there are problems like panic disorder and eating disorders. Another effect is that you are critiqued by others. Society has aided in the prevention and treatment of these problems by educating people about nutrition and placing nutrition and calorie content on consumer goods, as well as on menus in restaurants and fast food businesses.
  • Center of Disease and Control Center
  • Thanks to my parents for helping me research and pay for the materials needed for this project.
  • Thanks to my teacher Mrs. Wynn-Dobbs for providing updates and giving feedback to keep me on track and make the project way more easy and understandable. 

What effcts does obesity have on the body?
  Obesity    Alashia Moreno    Oakleaf High School      Secondary/Possecondary/Collegiate Divison      Flordia HOSA
Community Stuggles with Obesity
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Community Stuggles with Obesity

Obesity Alashia Moreno Oakleaf High School Secondary/Possecondary/Collegiate Divison Flordia HOSA

What effcts does obesity have on the body?


  • Thanks to my parents for helping me research and pay for the materials needed for this project.
  • Thanks to my teacher Mrs. Wynn-Dobbs for providing updates and giving feedback to keep me on track and make the project way more easy and understandable.


  • Center of Disease and Control Center

AbstractThis research effort aims to provide knowledge on the effects of obesity in order to help educate and avoid this health problem in communities all over the world. Because adults are more active than teenagers and children, obesity rates are higher in adults. These rates have been documented in scientific investigations in the past and in the present. When it comes to obesity, there are numerous consequences. The first is mental health, which plays a part in anxiety and depression. Second, conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems, strokes, and high blood pressure. Then there are problems like panic disorder and eating disorders. Another effect is that you are critiqued by others. Society has aided in the prevention and treatment of these problems by educating people about nutrition and placing nutrition and calorie content on consumer goods, as well as on menus in restaurants and fast food businesses.


  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Heart diseases
  • Respritory issues
  • High blood pressure
  • Strokes

ConclusionObesity has a wide range of consequences, including mental health issues, health issues, disorders, and etc. This other effect is that others will discriminate you. Society has contributed to the prevention and treatment of these effects by educating people about nutrition and including nutrition and calorie content on consumer items as well as menus in restaurants and fast food establishments. Despite the fact that the majority of obese people become obese as a result of poor eating habits and a lack of physical activity, some people are more prone to obesity due to genetics.

40% 40-59

20% Teens

19% Children

36% 60+

44% Age 20-39


  • Researching scientific studies on obesity. Made sure to look for the stats on obesity.