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Newspaper Design

Wahyu Oslan Ramadahan

Widuri Irmalia

Via Elmanisa

Safira Maghfira

Rufaida Rahmah

Rohadatul Aisy


MHD. Zarkasih


HOW TO WRITE NEWS1. Find events or events to be made news. 2. News Source Search 3. Interview, Observation and Documentation 4. Take Notes of Important Things5. Create a News Outline6. Writing News Terrace7. Writing News Content 8. News Editing 9. Does not contain slander, incitement, and lies 10. Does not highlight elements of violence, sexuality, gambling, abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs. 11. Not Contradicting Ethnicity, Religion, Race or Group. 12. Do not belittle the values prevailing in society. 13. Grammar and Vocabulary 14. Punctuation and Sentence Structure 15. Quotes and Attribution

Types of News

1. Straight News (Live News)2. Opinion News 3. Interpretative News 4. Depth News 5. Investigation Nes

  • The 1960s
  • The 1980s
  • The early 2000s
  • The 2017s

History of newspaper design Newspaper design has undergone many changes over the years and focuses on the different dynamics between the various components, including image size, title size, spacing, and number of photos. As designers try to find the best way to present a story, methods for laying out pages in newspapers have evolved.

Various Aspects of Design1. White Spaces2. Headline3. Dominant Media4. Color

Designers in newspapers are also called layouters, artistic or also art department. Newspaper layout is also part of the artistic process and creativity in composing graphics (Sense of art).

Newspaper Design

Layouter / Designer Tasks: a. Design and lay out each page with script, photos, and numbers b. Set the page allocation for the script c. To combine all the elements required creativity from the designer. d. Apart from designing pages and setting photos, designers are also in charge of designing advertisements, but the placement is according to the advertiser's request e. Editing manuscripts that descend from the corrector section f. The distribution/placement of the news, whether it is page 1 or 2 etc.

Graphic design in newspapers - Create an Image and maintain it visually - Creating visual appeal - Amplify news messages - Easy for Readers - Aligning media vision and mission

1. Lines2. Form3. Layout4. Photos5. Illustration6. Letters (Typography)

Elements in layout newspaper

Newspaper Design Concep

Newspaper design concept Success in making newspaper layouts is more than just experience, it must be in a context based on: • Balance: must balance images, headlines, and graphics. The opening title must be larger than other news headlines. There are 4 aspects in the layout of newspapers, namely main news (opening news), main picture (photo), articles (rubric), footer (foot). • It is recommended that photos are not placed in a row, especially if the photos are not related to examples of news 1 and news 2, each of which has a photo, but not side by side. • Contrast: namely the placement of lines (functions as a barrier), squares (empty boxes), colors (do not put excessive colors), photos, empty space (white space). • The characterization of letters in KR only uses 2 types of letters, namely arial and new century. • Unity: all pages are one unit, both news and photos. Long news is followed by short links to pages that have good news weight. All pages must complement each other, so that it looks harmonious and makes the reader comfortable. • And harmony: regarding the appearance of the newspaper, don't let it change drastically from the previous issue of the newspaper.

1. Simple-simple; Balanced; Uniformity; 2. Printing Engineering =

Things to consider when layout

3. Working hours 4. HR 5. Constraint

Some newspaper layout patterns: 1. Traditional Pattern - Formal Balance; news arranged vertically. One story per column. - Quadrant Design; the layout space is divided by 4. - Focus/Brace Design; placing the layout in the area where the diagonals intersect. - Circus/Razzle-Dazzle; hustle and bustle. All titles stand out from each other, scrambling to attract the reader's eye.

2. Contemporary Pattern - Functional Design; layout is not based on patterns. Change according to the needs of the page. - Horizontal Design; placing news headlines horizontally. From the left to the right of the newspaper page. - Modular Design; news in a box. One page can consist of 2 boxes containing 4 news. The strength of this layout lies in the size of the boxes and their placement. - Total/Single Theme; one news in one page. Generally this is for magazine or tabloid page formats. - Grid Design; layout news in a fixed column with an unchanged size.

The first week, before doing practical work, the author introduces the practical workplace and introduces the workflow where the newspaper will be designed. for a beginner, the author is expected to learn graphics software first. In the second week, writers were given the task of laying out easy newspaper pages first. In the third week, the writer started working on the layout of the newspaper. Although the author is still given a connection page that can be said to be easy. In this fourth week, the writer starts working on a slightly more difficult page than the previous week. In the fifth week and sixth week, the author began to be trusted to work on colored pages whose level could be said to be difficult.

Design Work Process
